Kid Rock Joining Trump & Kanye for White House Music Modernization Act Signing


It looks like the hottest ticket in Washington D.C. on Thursday is President Donald Trump's signing of the Music Modernization Act (MMA), as Kid Rock has been added to the guest list for the monumental event.

Sources tell Billboard That rock will join Trump and Kanye West – at the White House, to witness the music legislation become law.

As well, Recording Academy President and CEO Neil Portnow and Recording Industry Association of America President Mitch Glazier will also attend the event, among others. The signing is scheduled for 11:45 AM local time.

Rock visited Trump in the White House last year with Ted Nugent during the president's first 100 days in office.

Billboard The President of the United States, President of the United States, and the President of the United States, and their support for the legislation. Neither artist has been a particularly vocal advocate of the bill, but they have both shown ardent support for the president.

The MMA creates a blanket mechanical license and a centralized system to administer it, while changing some considerations. It also includes digital radio and satellite radio royalties on pre-1972 master recordings to labels and artists and the procedure by which SoundExchange can pay producers and producers royalties for the records it works on. It is the product of compromise throughout the industry and has received rare support across sectors.

Last month the Senate unanimously passed the MMA and then House of Representatives unanimously approved an updated version of the bill, sending it to the president's desk.

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