Kim Kardashian "educated" Kanye West on Donald Trump's policy after visiting the White House


Kim and Kanye photographed in New York around 2016.

By James Devaney / GC Images.

Last month, Kim Kardashian rapper husband Kanye West do one Surprising appearance at the White House. While wearing a red hat "Make America Great Again", the musician sat down with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, where he proclaimed his support for the president who was polarizing and declared Trump "hero" in a televised disjointed monologue that spawned a myriad of parodies.

On Wednesday, during a public appearance, Kardashian took a moment to clarify her husband's policy, or her absence.

"It's not very political, actually," said Kardashian, explaining that her husband "adores Donald Trump's personality, but does not know About the policy. "At the Criminal Justice Reform Summit, the reality TV star and the entrepreneur explained that her husband was" very misunderstood and the worst communicator ".

In choosing her words carefully, she explained that since the meeting of the Oval Office: "I have educated her. I think it's really misunderstood. He will always say that he was friendly with [Trump] before. . . and is friendly with him now. . . . I think what my husband is defending – and again, he's not the best communicator to explain it – but he's fighting for the right love what he wants, even if it's different from what you like. "

She then continued, "So he never said," Oh yes, I know all these [things]. What is happening with immigration – and I know it and I know it. If he really knew it, he would feel a lot of compassion about it. So, he never said that he supported that. . . I know it's very confusing because when you see someone wearing a red one [MAGA] You might think they support that. But he's just fighting for free thinking. And for the freedom to love a person, even if it is not a popular decision. "

At this point, the CNN host Van Jones, who animated the Kardashian panel, thanked the reality TV star for his role as "Kanye Translator".

"He really needs a translator," Kardashian replied. "But I'm always with him, so I know what he's talking about at home, and I'm," Wait, you just basically said the opposite of what you just showed. [to the public]. "

Kardashian said she was trying to be respectful of her husband's "political journey," adding, "Right after [the Oval Office visit]I could have been on social media and I could have fixed it. But I also believe that people have their own trips. And I know his heart, so I know that one day he will try to say what he will try to say. His [just] it takes a little while, so I jump in and help him. "

At the end of last month, perhaps after this intervention, did Mr. West mention his controversial visit to the White House on Twitter. "My eyes are now wide open and realize now that I'm used to spreading messages I do not believe in. I distance myself from politics and focus completely on creativity !!!"

This is not the first time Kim Kardashian has discussed her husband's political views. At the end of last month, the entrepreneur explained how her husband's relationship with Trump had helped her organize her own meeting with Oval Office. "I am aware that Kanye, speaking in favor of Trump, has put me through the door so that he gets my call," Kardashian said. "I've always had different opinions than Kanye's. But when I went there and when I saw what could be done, I realized that I could do more if I stayed focused on the issue that interests me instead of complaining. "

West's mother-in-law Kris Jenner weighed on the situation last month too, saying Ellen Degeneres, "I would prefer that he share some of these things privately. . . . He definitely has his own thoughts and opinions, and he is very excited about it. . . . I have known him for a long time and he has different sides for him. And it's a side that no one has ever seen before.

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