Kim Kardashian goes to the White House while she works to release offenders


Kim Kardashian West continues his crusade to help free prisoners who have been sentenced to extreme terms for drug charges.

The 37-year-old reality star, who has asked President Donald Trump to commute Alice Marie Johnson's life sentence, has visited the White House to participate in a listening session led by Jared Kushner. the process of leniency.

Sharing photos of the session on Twitter, Kardashian West wrote: "It started with Mrs. Alice, but looking at her and seeing the faces and learning the stories of the men and women I met in the prisons, I knew to one. This is the moment for real systemic change. "

Kardashian West participated in an episode of the podcast Wrongful conviction On Tuesday, she announced that she was currently working to release 30-year-old Chris Young, who she said was sentenced to life imprisonment for possession of drugs after being hit three times. Young has been in prison for almost 10 years.

"Yesterday I had a call with a man who is in jail for a drug case. It's so unfair, "she told podcast host Jason Flom, adding," He was just crazy – there are so many people like him.

"Her prior belief of having led to her three strikes was marijuana, and then marijuana containing less than half a gram of cocaine," she explained, citing the law providing that anyone who is convicted of more than two crimes

Flom went on to say that less than half a gram of cocaine is the amount of powder in a Sweet 'N Low sachet. According to the Buried Alive project, Young's previous offenses involved cocaine and marijuana and subsequently cracked, with the total amount of drugs weighing less than $ 300 found. His third strike was a charge of federal drug plot.

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Kardashian West also revealed that she was talking to Judge Kevin Sharp, who sentenced Young and then resigned from his position because he felt that life's mandate in this case was "so false … [Sharp] was like, "I'm doing things right. I will retire and I will fight to get him out, "said the mother of three.

In the podcast, she also said she was in regular contact with President Trump's son-in-law, Kushner, about changing the laws on minimum sentencing.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian West / Instagram

To promote the podcast, beauty magnate KKW also shared stories about Young and Sharp's story on his Twitter account. Young is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a non-violent drug offense. He was arrested at the age of 22 and sentenced to 26 years.

Kardashian West has had great success with the criminal justice reform at the individual level, convincing Trump to commute Johnson's life sentence in June 2018.

RELATED: Kim Kardashian teaches Alice Marie Johnson how to register at the first meeting after the pardon of the prison

On the podcast, Kardashian West recalled: "I spoke to the president … He let me know what was going to happen [with Johnson] and he was going to sign the papers right away and she could be released that day … I did not know, it's happening right now? Is there a process? What is it? So he was going to let her go. He told me that she could leave today.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian / Instagram

Kardashian West met with the White House president to argue for clemency for the first 63-year-old non-violent drug addict who, in 1996, was sentenced to life imprisonment with no possibility of release. conditional.

Kim Kardashian and President Donald Trump

Kim Kardashian and President Donald Trump

Donald Trump / Twitter

CONNECTION: Kim Kardashian celebrates Alice Johnson's grief following the White House visit

A few days later, the White House announced the news in a statement: "Ms. Johnson has accepted responsibility for her past behavior and has been a model prisoner for the past two decades. Although this administration is still very tough on crime, it believes that those who have paid their debt to society and have worked hard to improve their situation in prison deserve a second chance. "

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