Kim Kardashian is "proud" of Kanye West for meeting with Trump


She's everything for that! Kim Kardashian expressed nothing but support for Kanye West before meeting with the president Donald Trump to the White House.

"I'm proud of my husband" The amazing Kardashian family star, 37, said Additional Tuesday, October 9th. "He will be going to the White House in a few days to talk about the city of Chicago and help with some really exciting things. … I really hope that the president will listen and can do it. "

Press Secretary of the White House Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed Tuesday morning that rapper "Waves", 41, was having lunch with Trump, 72, and meeting the president's son-in-law and his senior adviser Jared Kushner On Thursday, October 11, Sanders said the trio will include manufacturing, prison reform and preventing gang violence.

Kardashian – who visited the White House twice earlier this year and encouraged Trump to commute the sentence of life imprisonment for a first-time offender and his great-grandmother named Alice Marie Johnson – stated that she had shared tips with her husband prior to her trip to Washington, D.C.

"I will try to help her communicate it," she said. Additional. "I always say that he may not be the best communicator, but he has the best heart and I know what he wants to accomplish." It will be amazing, and I can not wait to see all this happen. "

Asked about rumors that the couple would settle in Chicago, the founder of KKW Beauty responded, "I think so. We will have some houses. We will come and go. But I think that's happening. "

Thursday will not be West's first encounter with Trump. In December 2016, the Grammy winner visited the old Celebrity Apprentice host at the trump tower in new york. "We have been friends for a long time," Trump told reporters in the lobby of his building before posing for photos with West.

More recently, the musician has faced reproach for supporting the president during his appearance on September 29 Saturday Night Live. The next day, he tweeted that the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery, should be repealed. He then clarified that he meant "edit" before deleting his Twitter and Instagram accounts.

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