Kim Kardashian reveals that Kanye West paid her a million dollars to refuse a job


Kim Kardashian revealed that her husband, Kanye West, had written him a check for $ 1 million (£ 769,000) in order to prevent him from promoting another brand.

The TV personality recounted how her other half had asked her to turn down a lucrative offer from an unnamed fashion brand and had handed her the big sum as a thank you.

Sending to Ashley Graham during his new Pretty Big Deal podcast, Kardashian explained, "He's like the cutest.

"A brand has offered me a million dollars to publish articles on some of his clothes. Generally, I do not mean who the brand is, but they usually eliminate Yeezy. "

She added, "Mother's Day was held the following week. Mother's Day arrives and he records outside the city. I receive my flowers and an envelope is delivered to the door.

"I opened the envelope and it was a check for a million dollars with a note saying thank you for always having supported me and not having posted it.

Kim Kardashian share a nice video of her and Kanye s & # 39; embrace

"In the rest of the envelope, it was a contract to own Yeezy, to have my percentage. And that was my mother's day gift. "

The comments come after the mother of three, Kanye West, defended her husband after making headlines for a series of political tweets.

Kardashian, who made a connection with West in 2014, proved that she was well and truly behind her husband while she was sharing a nice picture of them lovingly watching herself on her media channels. social.

The reality TV star has subtitled the shot with "We Got Love" between two red hearts.

The 37-year-old also revealed that West's album, Yandhi, had been postponed to Black Friday next month.

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