Kim Kardashian Says Kanye West 'Does not Know About Politics' After His Meeting With Trump


Kim Kardashian is opening up on her husband's controversial meeting with President Donald Trump.

The 38-year-old reality star – who's openly supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election – discussed Kanye West's recent Trump visit during an interview with Van Jones at Variety and Rolling Stone's Criminal Reform Justice Summit on Wednesday.

"I feel like he's very misunderstood and the worst communicator," Kardashian said. "But when we talk about it, we have very similar politics. He's very not political, actually, he just happens to like Donald Trump's personality, but does not know about politics. "

"So, I've been educated, I think it gets really mixed up." "He will always say," he continued. "I could also have somebody else and have different political views.

In October, West announced he would be taking a step back from politics, arguing that he would support "abolishing" the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery. He later backtracked on that topic, saying he meant "amend."

Kardashian says, "I know, I know, I know, I know his heart." I'm jumping in and helping out, but I know his heart so I never really stress too much. "

Also at the event, Kardashian puts on Alice Marie Johnson, whom she worked on for clemency for from Trump. The 63-year-old Alabama has been serving life for a first-time, non-violent drug offense. While speaking with Jones, Kardashian discussed why, after being a crime victim with her Paris robbery, she decided to advocate for Johnson.

"I do not really have a victim's mentality." "For me, personally, I've never taken on that," Keeping Up With The Kardashians star explained. "I've always been very much in my life, and I'm living my life, I'm okay with my experience, I do I think it was meant to be because I'm a different person because of it. "

"When you become a mom, you change anyway, but I think when your life is at stake over material items, it's just … all of that stuff goes out the door. , and what is important to me changed, "she continued. "I'm a better mom because of it.

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