Kim Kardashian West Pranks Mom Kris Jenner on You Kiddin & # 39;


Kris Jenner may be the matriarch of the Kardashian-Jenner team, but the roles are reversed on Kim Kardashian West's new joke show. You Kiddin 'Me.

The Saturday episode of the new Facebook Watch show, Kim and her sisters Kendall Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian urge their mother to think she's going into an art gallery to criticize the work, but she soon learns she's in fact the exposed artist.

Armed with an atrium, Kris has to say everything his children want him to – including requiring multiple injections of hand sanitizer and talking openly about his beauty.

"I've painted all my life," says Kris in a pre-written speech after being featured as artist Kris Jenné. "First of all, it was watercolor in elementary school, then it was my nails in high school. Now it's a real painting on canvas.

But mid-speech, Kendall hits a button that lets out a powerful sound.

"Excuse me!" Kris said as the crowd looked around her confused. "Sorry about that."

And as Kris Jenné's bizarre works of art are presented, the star of reality is forced to describe them.

"We call it a balanced meal," she says of a sculpture made only of pots and pans. "I have been working there for five years."

Kris Jenner

Kris, 62, can barely hold on as Kourtney forces her to tell the crowd that her favorite pot is "the one I pee. Hashtag # Jenné.

With her unique sculptures, she also presented a painting titled "Selfie Goddess" and "Chariots of Desire", each featuring members of her famous family.

"I'm very inspired by myself," Kris told the crowd.

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Kris Jenner calls cheating on husband Robert Kardashian "One of my biggest regrets in life"

When a staged actor pretending to be a critic asks Kris to talk about her art, she pretends to annoy her and throws a trantrum.

Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner

Facebook Watch

"Nobody talks to Kris Jenner like that!" She says breaking a sculpture. "Do not they know who I am?"

But perhaps the most bizarre and hilarious moment occurs when the girls force their mother to ride on the back of a shirtless man while dressing in angel wings.

"I'm the mother of the birds!" She cries as she climbs into a human-sized nest and plays bogo drums.

Finally, Kourntey, Kendall and Kim come out and reveal that all night has been a giant joke!

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