Kim Kardashian West says Kanye is misunderstood


"I have the impression that he is very misunderstood and that he is the worst communicator," said West Kardashian. "But when we talk about it, we have a very similar policy.

"He is not very political, in fact, he loves Donald Trump's personality, but knows nothing of politics, so I educated him recently.

"I think this is really misinterpreted.He will always say that he was friend with him before, that he is the same person and that he is friends with him now.I could also coexist with some while having different political views.My mother and my dad approach did that.It's good to be different and have your own point of view. "

Kim Kardashian West said that she and Kanye's policy were not that different after all.

Kim Kardashian West said that she and Kanye's policy were not that different after all. Credit:AP

Kardashian West went on to explain the intention behind her husband's recent White House appearance: "What he's fighting for is the right to love what he wants, even if it's different from what you like.

"He never said," Okay, I know what is happening with immigration, and I know it and I know it. "If he really knew it, he would feel very compassionate about it, he never said that he supported him.


"I know it's very confusing because when you see someone wearing a red hat, you might think that he's supporting that." [cause].

"But he is just fighting for freedom of thought and the freedom to love a person even if it is not a popular decision."

West hit the headlines last month after meeting with President Trump and dropped the F-bomb in the Oval Office. The veteran correspondents of the White House said that it was the most bizarre meeting they had ever seen.

The rapper also recently congratulated the president in a walk Saturday Night Live monologue that has never been broadcast. He wore a hat "Make American Great Again" and claimed that the commander-in-chief of the United States was not racist.

"If racism had troubled me, I would have left America a long time ago," he said.

However, the father of three children has since said that he wanted to stand out from politics and focus on his music.

Kardashian West has made headlines in recent weeks after meeting with Trump to discuss prison reform. She urged the president to pardon a grandmother who spent more than two decades in prison after being sentenced to life in prison for a non-violent drug offense.

At 63, he was released from prison.

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