Kim Kardashian's new photo, entitled Saint Photo, includes a message on the possibility of making your voice heard


Kim Kardashian believes in the power to use your voice to create change. And by Kim Kardashian's new photo – which the star shared with Instagram on Tuesday, Nov. 6 in honor of this year's mid-term elections – this seems to be one of the reasons she uses hers in the Hope to bring about a change for the next generation. Fans who follow Kardashian's nascent political advocacy know that the mother of three wants to give her children the power to know the power of their individual voices, too. It is not surprising, then, that his polling day ticket is only for children in Kardashian-West. (Saint, in particular.)

Late Tuesday, as the mid-day elections drew to a close, Kardashian left behind a list of influential social media personalities (many of them – like Beyonce, Rihanna, Pharrell and Chance the Rapper, to name a few – had been encouraging people to vote via Twitter and / or Instagram throughout the afternoon and evening when she shared a voting day message on his Instagram account.

Subtitling a ridiculously cute black-and-white photo of Saint, his 2-year-old son with Kanye West, writes Kardashian,

"I voted today for my baby here and his future !!!"

The reality TV star did not address the specifics of the California candidate for which she voted in the elections. (Maybe she also did a little cheerful dance on hearing that Dianne Feinstein had retained her seat in the state Senate?) But earlier in the afternoon, Kardashian consulted Twitter to inform him of the following: she exercised her constitutional right to vote. Let's hope that everyone else who voted in the elections did the same.

Beside a cropped photo of Kardashian carrying the "I Voted" sticker, she tweeted a small sign of emoji ticked in after her, apparently to inform people that her ballot had already been filed and encourage them to do the same.

And she was not the only KarJenner to vote in Tuesday's mid-term elections. (Unsurprisingly, she 's not the only one to encourage fans to do the same via social media.) Just like her sister, Kylie Jenner would have shared a snapshot of herself carrying her. "I Voted" sticker on his Instagram account, according to People. And by completing Tuesday's political advocacy feat. The Karjenners, Khloé Kardashian and Kris Jenner also encouraged people to be heard at the polls with their own positions on polling day.

Fans of Kardashian-West's kids know that their parent's publication by IG Tuesday night was not the first of its kind. Last month, KUWTK the audience watched Kardashian participates in March for Our Lives, which took place in Washington, DC, earlier this year. The fact that she stands in solidarity, with hundreds of thousands of other people, survivors of gun violence was in itself an important advocacy act. Even more important? She brought North, her 5-year-old daughter.

"So proud that Kim teaches North to have beliefs and to defend what you think is right," Khloe said on Twitter on October 28. referencing the gathering of the March for our lives sure KUWTK. And that really seems to be the most critical delivery here.

As all polling day tweets say, it is very important to use your voice to defend your beliefs, especially now. But it is equally important to instil this sense of self-defense into the next generation of voters. And it seems like Kardashian is determined to do it.

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