Kim Porter died – in the odd relationship on / off of the tragic dummy with Diddy


Diddy's hip-hop mogul would be "devastated" after the sudden death of his ex-girlfriend, Kim Porter.

The rapper, her real name Sean Combs, was shocked to learn of the death of the former dummy after she was found dead on Thursday at her home in Toluca Lake, California.

Kim is the mother of three of Diddy's six children – her 20-year-old son Christian and her twin daughters, Lila Star and Jessie James, eleven.

The two men had a tumultuous relationship beginning in the mid-1990s and even ended up in court at one point, arguing over child support.

Diddy, who was then called Puff Daddy, first met Kim in a recording studio in the early 1990s, while she was with her ex-boyfriend, the singer Al B Sure!

Sean & # 39; Diddy & # 39; Combs and Kim Porter in 2006 – a year before their split

Recalling their first meeting years later, he said, "I admired him – his lips, his eyes, his mouth, his shape, his energy, I would like to have a girl like that."

Kim was quickly hired as a receptionist at Diddy and finally, in 1994, the rapper made his choice.

Sean embraced his role as stepfather of Kim's son, actor and singer Quincy Jones Brown, now 27, who was born from his ex-Al B. Sure.

Meanwhile, Diddy was already father to son, Justin, born in 1993 with his high school girlfriend, designer Misa Hylton-Brim.

In a 2010 interview, Misa claimed that the relationship between Diddy and Kim had started while they were still together.

She told Power 105.1 radio station, "Kim and I have been going back for years, we were friends at one point, and I thought," You wanted it, now you have it baby. "She must go through all the bulls ** I had to go through the day … Puffy was cheating on me with both of them (Kim and Sarah Chapman)."

Kim at a LA premiere with ex Sean and Al B. Sure and their children (from left to right), Justin, Lila, Jessie, Quincy and Christian just two weeks ago

In April 1998, Kim gave birth to her first child with Diddy, their son Christian, but their happy family was not going to last.

The following year, Sean left Kim to begin a high-level romance with Jennifer Lopez, who was then a burgeoning Hollywood starlet.

Naturally furious, Kim chased Diddy out of their home after discovering the existence of him and Jennifer.

Recalling the moment when she heard about it, Kim said, "A friend called my cell phone … A few weeks later, the press hit in. People were talking to me like I was really crushed. But I had just had a baby, could not be somewhere in a broken heart corner … I have kids. "

In a 2006 interview, Kim was clearly hurt by Sean's two-year relationship with J.Lo and made scathing comments about the singer / actress.

Diddy left Kim to attend singer / actress Jennifer Lopez

She told Essence magazine: "This relationship was not real, the world only saw the lights and the camera, but I knew what was going on, he was still in love with me."

Kim went on to assert that Diddy "fell in love with a loot and a smile" and told him that he would come back to her after leaving "his Puerto Rican girlfriend".

Although he is frequently in touch with Sean throughout his romantic relationship with Jennifer, Kim has banned the Hollywood star from contacting their baby Christian.

Kim joked, "Does she look like the guy who would want to play at home and with the family with two little black kids?"

Despite their split 11 years ago, the couple remained a close friend

When asked about Kim's comments at that time, Jennifer tried to be diplomatic: "I'm not going to go in. She knows what happened. I know what happened is it's there that we have to leave it.I'm not going to discuss the details of this intimate relationship that I had with the public. "

Following the separation of Jennifer's rapper in early 2001, Kim sued Diddy for paternity and child support in a New York court.

She wanted an order stating that he was the "legal father" of Christian and more than the $ 6,800 a month that he was paying at the time. She ended up with an increase to $ 35,000 a month.

Despite his lawsuit, Kim insisted throughout the trial that he was a "grandfather".

After cheating and legal battles, surprisingly, Diddy and Kim came together in 2003 and the model got pregnant with their twins from Lila Star and Jessie James in 2006.

However, unbeknownst to Kim at the time, the rapper had an affair with Sarah Chapman, a long-time associate, pregnant with her 12-year-old daughter Chance.

Kim and Diddy with their twins in September 2007 – a few months after their separation

Reconstituted Family: Diddy with Kim and his former rival in love Sarah Chapman (on the far right) with his twins D & Lila and Jessie and their half-sister Chance (2nd on the right)

Kim heard rumors about Sarah's pregnancy – which gave birth to Chance five months before the arrival of the twins – and decided to call in a private investigator to get some concrete facts.

In 2009, she told Essence Magazine: "I remained discreet and did what women do: I worked on my past, collected information … I was pregnant … I did not have time for dramas, trauma and bulls t. "

Despite his behavior, Kim was surprisingly calm about Diddy's behavior: "I would have preferred to know him because he's a man … I know it's hard for anyone to say to his significant other: "and I have a baby on the way." But men are trapped; I'm not naive for that. Still, there is a good and a bad way to handle that. "

Dedicated mother: Kim and her four children

A few months after the birth of the twins, in December 2016, Diddy finally revealed to Kim her love for the child and was shocked that she already knows it.

She recalled, "I said," Really? Well, I already knew it. I'm glad you decided to be a man. "I thought," Man, it's so crazy that I can not even respect you now. "And for me, once the respect is gone, I do not even listen to you anymore."

Despite the revelation of love, the couple tried to continue, before many other problems forced Kim to withdraw permanently from June 2007.

Without announcing his intention to leave, Kim waited for Diddy to be away from town before storing the house – including cars, daycare furniture and kitchen table – before moving.

Diddy and her children Quincy, Christian, Lila, Jessie and Luck

Kim's ex Al B. Of course! with their son Quincy

Explaining her exit strategy, she explained, "I wanted to be dramatic, I wanted him to know that I would not break up with him for two weeks – or maybe I would not leave for two days. tidy everything, the twins and everything else means I'm out! "

She insisted that the child in love was not the only reason she ended her relationship with Diddy, but she added, "Well, that was definitely part of it."

In the past 11 years, Diddy and Kim have remained close friends in the co-parenting of their children.

They regularly went on vacation together and Kim was often at his side on the red carpet, more recently like last month.

Explaining their special connection, Kim said: A few years ago: "Sean and I have this connection, this friendship, it is not" if you are faithful to me, if I am faithful to you. "We are friends, I am the person to whom he can say what he has from deep in his thoughts, and he is that person to me.He always calls me every day and we speak." "

In their second relationship attempt, Diddy praised Kim as his muse: "Do you know how they say it in movies? It's corny but beautiful: it complements me."

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