Kimberly Guilfoyle joins the Pro-Trump Super PAC after leaving Fox News


Former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle announced on Tuesday that she had joined the pro-Trump America First Action political group as vice president.

The news comes five days after a Fox News spokesman told reporters, "FOX News is separated from Kimberly Guilfoyle."

"Today, I have a bitter announcement," tweeted Guilfoyle, 49, on Tuesday. "I decided to leave Fox News Channel and devote myself full time to America First as a Vice President, campaigning across the country and staying firmly with President Trump.

L & # 39; former co-presenter of Fox News' Five added in a second tweet: "My Fox family will miss me.I thank Fox for the opportunities that he has offered me. I thank all the talented producers, the staff, and most of all I thank the best fans there. "

  Kimberly Guilfoyle

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Jared Siskin / Patrick McMullan / Getty

America First Action describes itself As last month, former White House press secretary Donald Trump, Sean Spicer, also joined the super PAC as a senior advisor and spokesperson. A super PAC is a political action committee that is allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money, according to CNN. These groups can independently campaign for or against politicians, but are not allowed to make direct contributions to candidates, parties or other political committees.

Guilfoyle attended President's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., 40, in recent months, after his wife, Vanessa, filed for divorce in March. Earlier this month, Guilfoyle joined Trump Jr. as his plus-one for the White House party on July 4th, where the couple was photographed with President Trump.

Guilfoyle, a Republican and longtime advocate of President Trump, said she has known the Trump family for over a decade. She revealed in May of last year that she had been in talks with the Trump administration about the possibility of becoming the press secretary of the White House, but that did not happen. bearing fruit.

Guilfoyle said The Mercury News at the time that she would have been honored to accept the post, and added that she had a "very good "relationship with the president.

"I think I appreciate a very direct and authentic, very genuine relationship, based on trust and integrity, and I think it's imperative to succeed in this position" , she said. [ad_2]
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