Kimmel hangs up Matt Damon during Kavanaugh's recap


The testimony of Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate last Thursday to clarify his name of allegations of sexual assault, fueled the television channel in the evening.

But during a part of Monday's "Kimmel Live" on ABC, while host Jimmy Kimmel criticized Kavanaugh and President Donald Trump, he returned to another known target: Matt Damon. On Saturday, Damon portrayed the Supreme Court candidate in a parody sketch of Thursday's testimony for the premiere of the "Saturday Night Live" season.

The design is tantamount to embellishing Kavanaugh's alleged excessive drinking in high school and college. In the sketch, Damon jokes, "I'm a half-full guy."

While recapping the Kavanaugh saga on Monday, Kimmel made a rather subtle move towards the Hollywood actor.

"Kavanaugh's testimony rubbed a lot of people the wrong way," said Kimmel. "In fact, he was so unfriendly, Saturday Night Live had no choice but to choose the most disgusting actor in the world to play on the weekend. What a surprise that Matt Damon has no other project on a Saturday. "

Kimmel and Damon have been fighting a silly quarrel for more than a decade, according to Time.

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