Kingsman star Taron Egerton reveals he is NOT in next sequel with cryptic comments


The mere idea of a Kingsman movie without Taron Egerton as the dashing secret agent Eggsy is probably inconceivable. Unfortunately, fans should probably start conceiving it.

The in-demand young actor shared the shocking news with Yahoo News this week that Kingsman director Matthew Vaughn is working on the next instalment right now… but Eggsy will be missing in action!

“I’m not in the next Kingsman movie,” he revealed.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle trailer

20th Century Fox

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When pressed on why he’d be left out, the actor got very cagey: “I don’t know if I’m allowed to tell you… That doesn’t mean I won’t be a Kingsman ever again. I was with Matthew [Vaughn] as little as a few days ago and spoke to him.

“We’re very much still in business together, it’s just that his next journey in that universe doesn’t involve me. Which I think is sacrilegious!”

Egerton refused to give up any details on where director Matthew Vaughn planned to take Kingsman without Eggsy, but he sounds impressed by the plans.

Director Matthew Vaughn thinks the third Kingsman movie might be the trilogy closer, before he opens the world up wider to become an extended universe.

The actor went on: “I think his idea for the new one is incredibly exciting, and I’m sad that I won’t be on that journey with him, but it’s not the last you’ve seen of Eggsy.”

Of course, this could all be an elaborate bluff — the Kingsman franchise did manage to bring back Colin Firth for last year’s The Golden Circle after seemingly killing off his character Harry Hart in the previous film.

Egerton has been busy of late filming the Elton John pseudo-musical biopic Rocketman, and he’s also just lent his voice to a leading role in the BBC’s new animated adaptation of Watership Down.

The Eggsy-less Kingsman 3 is set to begin production next year for a November 2019 release date as part of a huge push to expand the franchise with film spin-offs and even a TV show.

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