Klay Thompson thinks it's cool to see LeBron James on the Lakers


OAKLAND, Calif. – Klay Thompson was born in Los Angeles. He saw his father, Mychal, play for the Lakers and spent his high school years in Southern California. He understands more than anyone the passion of the game in the region. As his Golden State Warriors prepare for their first meeting with LeBron James and the Lakers at the new face on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Thompson can understand how confusing James is calling Hollywood home for at least a few years. .

"I think it's pretty cool," said Thompson after seeing James in Lakers jersey. "I do not think you would have guessed it when he was with the Cavs when he started his rookie season, but it adds a ton of interest in the league and the Lakers are on the verge of a good start. to get the usual media coverage to which I was used to growing up. "

After playing against James and his former team, the Cavaliers, in four consecutive NBA finals, Thompson knows that the level of intensity will now increase as the former MVP is at the West Conference.

"Well, we've seen it, it has always been at the top of the East at the finals," Thompson said. "And those games are still intense, I'm expecting it to dramatically improve the Lakers and they obviously have a bunch of guys who have proven themselves, so I'm waiting for that." If you play against the best player in the world, regardless of the sport, you want to compete against him so you can play as hard as you can, and that's why guys like Steph , KD, Kobe, LeBron, James Harden, all [top] The guys face the best game of their opponent every night. It will not be different when we face the Lakers. "

Steve Thompson and Steve Kerr, head coach of Steve Thompson and Warriors, are excited about the emerging rivalry between the Lakers and the Warriors this season, especially with James in the group.

"It's probably the first time we're running," Kerr said after Tuesday's practice. "Sleepy Floyd got his 29 against the Lakers in a quarter – that would probably be the biggest moment, so for Warriors fans, it's probably the biggest moment of the Laker-Warrior rivalry. I'm sure the Lakers have never really watched a rivalry all these years when they dominated, but it will be fun.We are in the same division, both teams obviously have a lot of talent and atmosphere It's going to be excellent – even in pre-season, I think that's going to be really looking forward to it. "

Thompson believes that the rivalry between northern California and southern California will only grow now with the Warriors winning two titles and James should make the Lakers come back to the fore.

"Bay-LA In all sports is always good," Thompson said. "This will definitely go to basketball, that's for sure."

Thompson said that he had the NorCal / SoCal debate with friends for years.

"Music, art, movies, destination," Thompson said. "There's always a NorCal / SoCal debate and that's what makes it so great … high school sports, professional sports, musicians, athletes, we've always had a debate where talent was at the rendezvous . "

After Wednesday's game in Vegas, the Warriors and Lakers face each other again Friday in San Jose. Their first regular season game takes place on Christmas Eve at Oracle Arena. Kerr knows that emotions in all arenas will be charged when teams face each other.

"Staples is a different atmosphere," he said. "It's not like in Oklahoma City or Salt Lake where there's only noise and intensity. It's more like:" Dude, c & # 39; Is the place to be in LA tonight. " That's why the LeBron brand makes Staples a place of choice and you'll feel that way, we'll feel it as a visiting team when we're there. to that. "

Warriors before Draymond Green will not play Wednesday's game against the Lakers as he continues to suffer an imbalance in his left knee.

"Draymond is not going to play [Wednesday]"Kerr said." We will be careful. He continues to progress, but we feel comfortable to give him one more day. Then we will have six days until the match opens. The plan is to start training and play it on Friday, and it will be ready for the opening game. "

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