Known Cleveland Indians problems are catastrophic in the playoffs


CLEVELAND – The blueprint was that Trevor Bauer is the secret weapon of Cleveland, the October surprise.

But this idea, and almost everything the Indians have tried, has been rejected.

Bauer's two launcher errors in Monday's seventh inning helped Houston score three points and the Astros crushed the 11-3 Indian in Game 3 to complete a surprising sweep of the American League's Division Series.

After waiting months to have a chance to be redeemed after losing a 2-0 lead and lost to the New York Yankees at last year 's ALDS, the Indians are fell again in the fall.

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And the longest drought of the World Series title at the majors has reached the age of 71.

"We were just overwhelmed," said center player Jason Kipnis, who dropped out of second place for the second year in a row. "I would have liked it not to be that simple, it just seems that, from top to bottom, we were outmatched, overcrowded, gifted a bit, they really did a fantastic job: getting ready and prepared before the show." .

"I do not think we were under-prepared, they just performed and played the way you needed to win."

The Indians were totally incompetent.

They defeated a .144 collective, while star player Jose Ramirez continued his fall in the playoffs by showing no strikes in 11 kills. He now beats .064 (2 in 31) in the last two playoff games, which is hardly worthy of a MVP player.

Josh Donaldson, whose acquisition was expected to put the Indians above all expectations, got his first shot until the ninth in the third match.

But pitching, and more specifically Cleveland's faulty pen, was the main reason why the club witnessed a third consecutive team on its court before putting down the visitors' dressing room at Progressive Field.

For months, the Indians managed to solve their problems, which were exacerbated by injuries. But when it mattered the most, the same issues arose again.

Andrew Miller, the Cleveland Playoff star in 2016, has never been himself, as the southpaw spent three periods on the disabled list for hamstring, knee and shoulder problems. .

Miller was not charged with one point in his two appearances, but he withdrew a single hitter, he made three and he conceded a two-way homer in the second inning in the sixth inning of the second match.

"There were definitely some tough times," said the 33-year-old, who is almost certain to sign elsewhere as a free agent. "Lack of time was the hardest part for me, I felt ready to go when the season was over and I was in a good position, there were definitely some shots that I was not sure of. I did not perform in the series.

"We tried to write things the best we could for myself personally and for the other members of the team to be as sharp and ready for the playoffs as possible. When the games started, that was obviously not enough. "

Bauer, who had a season worthy of a Cy Young award before his leg was broken by a line attack in August, absorbed most of Cleveland's relief problems.

Manager Terry Francona chose to use it in a succession role, mainly because it was his best option. Miller and his close friend Cody Allen were in trouble.

Bauer pitched in games 1 and 2 and is engaged in match 3 with the Indians hanging at a 2-1 lead in seventh place. But the right-hander made two errors to throw, one on a withdrawal shot and the other on a setback, which should have been transformed into a double game ending the round.

Instead, the Astros scored three points and ended up with 10 points in their last three decisive strikes to put an arc in the eruption.

Bauer accepted the role, but that was not the one he was considering having.

"I performed pretty well in pitching," he said. "Obviously, I did not run the defensive, but that's what it was, man, it was my role." Tito and I and a few other men had a meeting at Chicago by the end of the year I told them what I had to do, say, and they let me know what they have to say, I told them when I came out of this room, "I I'm 100% bought for my role. "That's what I did, I came out of this room and I prepared to get out of the pen, that's what it is."

And it will be another long winter for the Indians, who could be radically different next season with Miller, Allen and All-Star. Michael Brantley all eligible for free will.

"We tried it, it's difficult," Miller said. "There are probably a million things that you can explain why we did not win three games, it's difficult, it's one of those things." hand that you have distributed and pull the maximum, unfortunately enough for us. "

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