Knoxville Breast Cancer Survivor Encourages Others


Knoxville – Breast cancer cases are almost exclusively women – almost.

Men can get it too, and their struggle involves its own challenges.

According to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, men account for less than 1% of breast cancer cases in the United States.

Last year, more than 2,550 new cases of breast cancer in men were expected.

About 480 men will die in the United States in 2018.

James Mathis said that this is not something you hear every day.

"When I discovered this, it was strange," said Mathis.

"(Because) I knew it was something, you worry a bit about it, but I did not think about breast cancer," he said.

You may not think about breast cancer in men either.

But that's the case – and that changed the life of Mathis.

"I had a mass on my nipple," said Mathis. "And it started small, and it got bigger."

It took about a month and convincing efforts on the part of his girlfriend before going to the doctor.

"I went there to have a mammogram," said Mathis. "You know, I went on the little couch, I'm sitting on the couch and the lady came in. She looked at me, then she went out, she stayed outside for about two or three She came and she was shocked, because I suppose she had to watch the charts, she thought I was with a woman, but it was me. "

The tests confirmed that the mass was cancerous.

"She said James – and I knew her voice right now," said Mathis. "She said you could talk for a second?" I said yes, she said, I got your biopsy and she was cancerous, and you talk about … I've been shocked."

The doctors caught him while he was still in the first stage.

He was operated on to get rid of the cancer and had to stay in the hospital for two months.

Then he started taking a pill that helped the cancer to stay away.

He took it for five years and just finished his treatment last year.

"I fought early," said Mathis. "My doctor told me, he said," I'll tell you right now, it'll make you feel like a woman is feeling menopausal. "

But he worked through it. He says his faith in God has pulled him.

"What I'm thinking of is that I'm blessed to be here, some people do not, you know what I mean?" Mathis said. "So, I thank him every day for inviting me here, and I know that he has a plan for me to be here."

He says men do not need to wait – if you see something that could be breast cancer, have it checked.

"Because I did it, I postponed it for a minute, but you know, I should have gone," said Mathis. "But I'm encouraging guys just to go in. Because you have to face it."

Mathis plans to participate in the Susan G. Komen Healing Race on Saturday, October 27th. For more information on the event and what you can do to help, visit

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