Kobe Bryant not flinching at Matt Barnes is not what it seems, and the internet feels duped


One of the most infamous NBA highlight clips of the last decade is kinda, sorta a lie.

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This is the unfortunate truth that the internet was forced to face on Tuesday, when an alternate angle of the 2010 incident between Kobe Bryant and Matt Barnes revealed to dark truth. Kobe's Lakers and Barnes' Magic were going head-to-head in a fiery battle, and Barnes seemingly attempted to intimidate Kobe by faking an inbound pass straight to his face.

Kobe did not even flinch Despite the ball fake appearing to be a few centimeters from his face. It was, essentially, a perfect summation of Bryant 's ice cold Mamba Mentality.

But, upon further inspection, it was not quite as impressive as it appeared. It took time to reveal the truth, but Kobe was not actually standing straight in front of Barnes when the ball fake occurred.

This revelation is a majority of NBA fans. Those fans, who held the non-flinch in such high regard for so many years, now feel like they've been living a lie. They feel like they've been betrayed by this new information, and they've had a piece of their fandom ripped away from them forever.

Ok, so maybe it's not impressive, but do we still owe Kobe Some credit for not flinching? The fake was still somewhat close to him and was not even a matter of concern on Bryant's part. Hell, even Barnes went to record this year to give credit where credit is due, saying he thought it was close enough to hit Kobe in the face.

It takes time to uncover the truth about this infamous sports moment, but the facts are finally out there. It's up to you to decide how you want to handle it.

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