Krasinski will write afterwards


Krasinski will be back for A quiet place 2… behind the scenes, at least.
Photo: Paramount

One could almost say that John Krasinski could not remain silent about his ideas for a sequel.

When the sequel to the surprise horror film of the year – that Krasinski co-wrote with Bryan Woods and Scott Beck, as well as directed and co-starred with his wife, Emily Blunt – was confirmed for the first time by Paramount, Krasinski was not involved. He had to work on a science fiction thriller called Life on Mars (not to be confused with the BBC time travel show, his American copy or David Bowie). But it seems that Krasinski is attracted by Quiet place as his frightening creatures are attracted to sound; According to the Hollywood Reporter, after finding his own idea of ​​what to do next, he confirmed that he was writing the screenplay.

Speaking at a Q & A session at the Silver Screen Theater in LA yesterday, Krasinski revealed that after telling Paramount that he wanted to move on and keep his experience on the first film as a punctual film, an idea finally came to him that he could not let pass. go from:

It was my intention for the film itself. Then I had this little idea for a sequel, but I did not think it would go anywhere. So, I said to the studio: "Go make the movie with someone else".

They heard notes and I told Drew [Form, producer] about this little idea, and he told me to think about it a little longer. And then I thought, "It could really work." So, I am writing the sequel. "

I guess we'll have to wait a lot, a lot closer to Quiet place 2The release date for May 15, 2020 is: why was Krasinski so excited? As long as he does not scream about it, that's it.

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