Kris Jenner tells Ellen DeGeneres what she thought about Kanye West's visit with Trump


Kris Jenner finally addresses the controversial meeting of his son-in-law Kanye West at the White House with President Donald Trump.

West sparked a storm in the media this month with his ominous speech from the Oval Office that aired on cable TV channels. The rapper said his "Make America Great Again" hat allowed him to "feel like Superman" and that he was lacking "masculine energy" after his wedding in the Kardashian family. He described Trump as being "on the way to a hero," hugged the president and told reporters, "I love this guy."

Jenner, who participated in the show "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" on Friday, said West's bizarre words were "very spontaneous," adding, "He shared his thoughts and things of himself, but I would prefer that he share some of these things privately. "

"He really has his own ideas and opinions, and he's very excited about it," she continued. "It has different aspects, and it's an aspect that no one has ever seen before."

The 62-year-old "Keep in touch with the Kardashians" matriarch was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections. In her conversation with DeGeneres, she did not discuss the details of Trump's policy. , but she expressed feelings similar to those of her daughter Kim Kardashian about West's views.

"Kim always says," I can not control what anyone else is doing "and I feel the same way," Jenner said. "His [views] are very strong. He is very wise. He has a great voice and he has a lot to say. "

Later in the interview, Jenner joined DeGeneres for a "Burning Questions" match, revealing some information from the Kardashian clan, how she handles insomnia and what she wears in bed at night.

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