Kurt and Ant-Man and The Wasp reveal that he survived the Avengers' War in the infinite


At the end of Avengers: Infinity WarThanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half the population of the universe. The film revealed some of the Gauntlet Infinity 's victims, but there are a whole lot of MCU characters that have not been found yet, each of them being as likely dead as alive.

Although he's not the most central player in the Marvel film universe, fans of Ant-Man and the wasp perhaps with pleasure to learn that Scott Lang's friend, Kurt (David Dastmalchian), was one of the survivors.

David Dastmalchian as Kurt in Ant-Man


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When asked if the criminal turned security expert had escaped the Thanos attack, he replied: collider: "I did it, yes.

"It's the fun thing, I do not understand how people do not understand that.Kurt's hair is the most indestructible thing.The Eff Thor hammer, the shield, the scary glove.There is a There's still a lot of dust, and there's still hair, and if Kurt and Thanos were going, I'd definitely be winning. "

When asked if it was official, Dastmalchian had stopped joking to confirm that it was the case.

"It's one of the things I've been told that I could not talk about," he said.

Kurt joins an exclusive club of War of Infinity survivors, including Iron Man, Black Widow and Captain America, but also Aunt May, Howard the Duck and Thor's roommate Darryl.

There are no words yet on whether Dastmalchian will appear in Avengers 4although his Ant-Man and the wasp Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michelle Pfeiffer and Michael Douglas are expected to appear.

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