Lady Gaga accuses Donald Trump of making fun of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford


Lady Gaga is currently enjoying a moment with the premiere of her highly anticipated film A star is born will be in the room on Friday, but that will not stop him from talking about the news.

32-year-old artist and activist appeared Thursday The show late where she opened to welcome Stephen Colbert on the recent hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford.

"When it comes to political issues with you, I will say to bring them," Gaga told Colbert after asking if she would agree to talk about it. "Because what I've seen on the news with this Kavanaugh vs. Dr. Ford debate is one of the most moving things I've ever seen."

Gaga then criticized President Donald Trump, who recently mocked and questioned Dr. Ford's memories after the night when she recounted having been sexually assaulted in adolescence by the proposed candidate. the Supreme Court.

"I am going to tell you something because I am a survivor of sexual assault and the truth is that, you know, Trump the other day was talking at a rally and he said: & She has no memory of how she came to the party, if we were confident that she remembers the assault? "And the answer is yes!" Says Gaga "And I'll tell you exactly why. I also think that this woman is intelligent because she is a psychologist. She is not a model. If a person experiences aggression or trauma, there is scientific evidence – it's biology – that people change. The brain changes. And literally, what he does, is that it takes a trauma and that he puts it in a box, that he tidies it up and closes it so that we can survive the pain. "

The singer "Applause" then praised Dr. Ford for his courage in telling his story.

"When this woman saw that Judge Kavanaugh would probably be placed at the highest rank of power in the judicial system of this country, it was triggered and this box was opened," she said. "And when this box was opened, she was brave enough to share with the world to protect this country."

Gaga, who had previously noted that she likes to relax with a glass of wine and a good scream, then toasted glasses of rose with Colbert.

This is a special time for the winner of GRAMMY, who is clearly delighted with her debut on the big screen. Watch the clip below for more information:

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