Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper remember the "magic day" when they decided to make "a star is born" (Exclusive)


Pasta dinner and a piano. It's like that A star is bornhas come to.

the remake of the classic movie, with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper in his directorial debut, a – by Gaga haaaah-ah-ahthe hunt the voice in the trailer, the praises of the festival circuit, and the Hollywood classic glamor of the film's press tour – the most anticipated film of the year 2018.

So how long did the pair know that they had something special? Almost immediately, of course.

"In fact, I was playing in a fundraiser against cancer for Sean Parker and I sang the song" La Vie En Rose "which, not to give it, but in the movie, and I'm not sure. I sang this song and the very next day he wanted to meet me and he came to my place, "said Gaga, 32, at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sunday." I opened the door and the second where I looked in his eyes, I felt an instant connection with him. "

As Gaga explains, both clicks are partly explained by their shared cultural education.

"We are both from the east coast, we both come from Italian families, I was like" Are you hungry? "I cooked leftover pasta and we ate , and before I know it, he told me, "I'd like to sing with you, if that's okay." And we went to the piano, and I printed the sheet music for a song that he wanted to sing called "Midnight Special", "she shared." I sat down and started playing, started singing and stopped instantly in my tracks , and I looked at it and said, "Bradley, you have an incredible voice, you sing of your belly, you sing of your soul, you sing of the nectar of your being."

OK … When one of the most powerful singers of our time begins to revolve around the "nectar of your being" after hearing you sing, it's a moment you'll probably want to remember. So, Cooper did just that.

"He said," Should we film it? "So he filmed it on his iPhone, and we suddenly started singing together, harmonizing and laughing, and looking at each other," Gaga continued. "It was instantaneous, and I was not sure about it. I knew right now that I could do this movie with him, and I really believe that there is no other actor or director in the world who could have played that role or done that movie."

"There is no other actor capable of playing a rock star, he is the only one," commented Gaga, adding that even if Cooper wanted to undertake a career as a singer in real life, he would natural. "If he wants it, he can do it all."

Cooper, meanwhile, does not share Gaga's view that he would be guilty of being a singer. But he revealed that his encounter with her was as vivid as she described him.

"I remember every moment – from the moment she went down the stairs, it was one of those magical things," said the 43-year-old actor at ET.

Lady Gaga Bradley Cooper Toronto International Film Festival 2018

George Pimentel / Getty Images for the TIFF

And for those of us who watched, the way the two men arrived on the red carpet at the festival was just as magical. Of course, Cooper takes no credit for that, saying, "That's all I want, man, I just walked next to her."

A star is born premieres on October 5th.

This is not the first nugget of understanding that we had in the design of the film. Watch the video below to see how Cooper convinced Gaga to wear makeup for free in the movie.

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