Lady Gaga co-authored powerful opinion piece on suicide, stigma related to mental health – Rolling Stone


Lady Gaga and Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization, co-authored a powerful editorial for The Guardian on suicide, the stigma of mental health and the lack of resources needed to help eradicate the "urgency of mental health".

Gaga and Ghebreyesus cite statistics extensively throughout their article, placing the issue in a global context. "By the time you finish reading this, at least six people will be killed in the world," begins the editorial, before noting that 800,000 people are killed each year.

"Suicide is the most extreme and visible symptom of a major mental health emergency, which we have not yet adequately addressed," they said, noting the death of beloved stars like Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade this year. "Stigma, fear and lack of understanding compound the suffering of those affected and prevent any bold action so desperately needed and long overdue."

As explained in detail in the podium, mental health is a universal issue ("one in four of us will face a mental health problem at some point in our lives") with a confusing and dangerous stigma who struggle to speak openly or have difficulty accessing adequate or affordable care or resources. On a global scale, mental healing receives less than 1% of the aid.

Both Gaga and Ghebreyesus hope to rally the world by prioritizing mental health issues and destigmatization. "We've both taken different paths," they continued, "but we've both found that political leadership, funding, innovation, and individual acts of bravery and compassion can change the way we do things." world. It's time to do the same for mental health. "

Gaga talked about her mental health issues throughout her career. In 2011, Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, created the Born This Way Foundation at Harvard University, which aims to contribute to the creation of safe young and safe communities around the world. Intimidation and abandonment.

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