Lady Gaga congratulates Christine Blasey Ford on Kavanaugh's testimony in The Late Show.


Lady Gaga spoke frankly about her experience as a rape survivor; his song "'until it happens to you," from the documentary The hunting ground has even been nominated for an Oscar. And Gaga is once again the subject of Oscar Buzz for his first feature film in A star is born, that she promoted on The show late Thursday – and because of what's happening in the news, she's still talking about trauma.

During the interview with Stephen Colbert, Gaga spoke about Christine Blasey Ford's decision to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, explaining to Stephen Colbert how she behaved in the face of the terrible news. Specifically, Gaga drew on her personal experience to respond to Donald Trump's mockery of Ford and the details she could not remember about the party Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, allegedly assaulted her.

I also know that this woman is smart, because she is a psychologist, she is not a model. If a person is assaulted or traumatized, there is scientific evidence, it is biology, that people change. The brain changes. Literally, what he does is, he takes the trauma, and he puts it in a box, and he classifies it and closes it so that we can survive the pain. He also does a lot of other things. This can cause pain in your body, an initial rise in anxiety, and even avoid wanting to remind you or think about what has happened to you.

When this woman saw that Judge Kavanaugh would probably be placed at the highest level of power in the judicial system of this country, it was triggered and this box was opened. And when this box opened, she had the courage to share it with the world to protect this country.

Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaugh is close to the Supreme Court on Friday, when the Senate decided to end the debate on its confirmation. If that makes you want to cry in a glass of wine, like Gaga, well, at least you also have the option of screaming in a bucket of popcorn instead of his movie this weekend.

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