Lady Gaga gives Christine Blasey Ford's fierce defense after Trump's mockery


Lady Gaga has described the recent and controversial hearings of Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh as "one of the most moving things I know about" in a powerful interview about believing survivors of sexual assault.

The multihyphenate artist appeared in "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Thursday night to promote "A Star is Born," but eventually defended Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, one of the few women who accused Kavanaugh. of sexual assault and misconduct.

"As for the political issues with you, I will tell you to report them," Gaga told Colbert after asking her if she wanted to express her opinion on the subject. "Because what I saw in the news with this Kavanaugh debate against Dr. Ford, it's one of the most upsetting things I've ever seen."

On Friday, senators are expected to vote on the need to move Kavanaugh forward after a week to an FBI investigation into the charges against him, with a final vote scheduled for Saturday.

Gaga is particularly offended by President Donald Trump at a recent rally in Mississippi, where he openly mocks Ford for his statement 36 years after his alleged assault.

"I am going to tell you something because I am a survivor of sexual assault and the truth is that, you know, Trump the other day was talking at a rally and he said: & # 's She has no recollection of how she arrived at the party, so are you sure she remembers the assault? And the answer is yes Gaga said, "And I'm going to tell you exactly why, I know this woman is smart because she's a psychologist, she's not a model.

"If a person is assaulted or traumatized, there is scientific evidence – it's biology – that people are changing. The brain changes. And literally, what he does, is that he takes the trauma and that he puts it in a box and that he tidies it up and closes it so that we can survive the pain, "continued the singer.

Lady Gaga and director Bradley Cooper attend the British premiere of

Eddie Keogh / Reuters

Lady Gaga and director Bradley Cooper attend the premiere of "A Star is Born /" in the UK

The singer "Shallow" then explained that she thought that Ford was "triggered and the box opened" when Kavanaugh was appointed to court, pushing her to publicize her story.

"When this box opened, she had the courage to share it with the world to protect this country," the singer concluded.

Gaga has long supported survivors of sexual assault, recording the original song that she co-wrote titled "Til It Happens To You" in 2015 for the powerful documentary on rape on campus "The Hunting Ground ".

"I have not said anything to anyone since, I think, seven years ago," Gaga said about her own sexual assault while she was promoting the film. "I did not know how to think about it. I did not know how to accept it. I did not know how not to blame myself, nor to think it was my fault. It was something that really changed my life. It changed who I was completely.

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