Lady Gaga launches Duo with Bradley Cooper of A Star Is Born


Warning A star is born Fans: You can stop replaying the trailer again and again.

Lady Gaga finally released the video clip of "Shallow", the captivating piece featured in the trailer that has already attracted worldwide attention. The 32-year-old Grammy Award winner released the audio version on her social media with a link to Spotify, and later released the music video.

The video features scenes from the upcoming movie, as well as the actual performance of the song that was played in the trailer.

"Shallow" is a duet between Gaga and co-star and director Bradley Cooper. The actor sings the first lines before the singer joins him.

RELATED: Lady Gaga says that her friendship with Bradley Cooper is what A star is born

Gaga recently spoke to Ellen DeGeneres about her off-screen relationship with Cooper and how quickly they got along.

"He puts you at ease right away and he is a loving and caring person," said Gaga. "We are both from the East Coast, we are both Italian, so before I knew it, I warmed the leftovers in the kitchen and fed it. We talked about life.

The singer continued: "And then we started singing together at the piano, a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival," Midnight Special, "and I heard her voice and I stopped on my track and I heard her voice. I said, you can sing. He sings of his soul.

A star is born is in theaters on October 5th.

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