Lady Gaga on Kavanaugh, Ford Testimonial: "One of the most upsetting things"


The star of Star Is Born also sits with Stephen Colbert to discuss his new film, the sung voice of Bradley Cooper, and the differences between her and her character.

Lady Gaga stopped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday night to discuss all things A star is bornas well as to share his thoughts on Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court candidate.

When asked if she was willing to talk politics, Gaga replied, "Bring her up." Kavanaugh, who has been charged with sexual assault and misconduct by several women, including Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Gaga, who has been open in the past about her own sexual assault, said that the ongoing debate between Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford is one. some of the most moving things I've ever seen. "

"But I'll tell you something," she continued. "Should we believe that [Dr. Ford] remember the assault? Yes. And I will tell you exactly why. She is a psychologist, she is not a model. And when someone experiences a trauma, the brain changes. He takes the trauma and puts it in a box so that we can survive the pain. "A vote confirming Trump's highly controversial decision in the Supreme Court is scheduled for Saturday, and Kavanaugh has denied all claims against him.

Gaga added that she thought Ford was probably "triggered" when she understood that Kavanaugh would be named and that she had decided to "protect this country."

The pop star turned actress was also present to promote her new film A star is born, which she stars with director and writer Bradley Cooper. The film is the fourth edition of the classic story of a young rising star who falls in love with another great and established whose career fades as his takes off. The project is Cooper's first film for the director and the first feature film for Gaga, although she has already won a Golden Globe for her role in American Horror Story: Hotel.

She tells that she sang at a charity event the day before her meeting with Cooper. After hearing her sing "La Vie en Rose", he wanted to meet her and they had an immediate connection. In his first meeting with his future director and co-star, Gaga said: "There are a lot of fictional people in Hollywood, but Bradley is not in fact one."

And while Gaga is a Grammy Award-winning artist, she's not the only one with a natural singing ability. She told Colbert that she had been upset by Cooper's sung voice when she had heard him for the first time. "This man, he sings in his belly, in his soul and you can be technically perfect, but without the ability to tell a story, and he tells a story when he sings," she said, adding, "J & # I was attracted to his passion. "

Her character, Ally, is perhaps a rising pop star, but Gaga said the similarities between her and her character ended there. "My Ally character is very different from what I was in. I knew I had something to say and I wanted to say it … but she's not," she says. Explaining this, "she's in her thirties and she gave up, she was told that she was not pretty enough to do it and that she was lacking security."

A star is born opens big Friday.

Lady Gaga
Stephen Colbert
Late night television

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