Lady Gaga tears while Bradley Cooper praises him


The cast of A star is born has formed an emotional connection, and it was being demonstrated in a recent interview.

Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, Anthony Ramos and Sam Elliott appeared Hello America for a tearful interview in which they congratulated themselves for their work on the highly anticipated film.

With Oscar buzz growing for Cooper, Gaga and the movie, the American sniper the actor took the opportunity to praise his costar, immediately making her tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy that God gave her the talent she has and he chose it because it's really a boat to go through," said Cooper, who made his directorial debut with the film . "Because it's really what you make of it, and she's such a beautiful human being."

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Gaga gave the compliment to the star and talked about their immediate connection.

"We had instant chemistry when I met him," Gaga said. "As soon as I opened the door of my house and saw it, it was like, 'Are you hungry?' "We are both Italian and from the east coast and before I knew it, were eating together.

Cooper also surprised the Grammy winner six times with his singing voice. The actor has trained before the film and the cast sang each song live during filming.

"He started singing, I stopped in my tracks and said," Oh my God, Bradley, you can sing, "she recalls," Bradley has really been an incredible leader in creating a beautiful family.I love every person sitting here today and i am very grateful to be here.

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Lady Gaga on Bradley Cooper Songwriting for "A star is born": he is a "true musician"

Ramos also had a moment of emotion remembering how he started playing. L & # 39; former Hamilton Star said that his high school drama teacher had changed his life.

"I grew up in projects. Practically, I had no chance and this woman said, "I do not abandon you. ", He said crying, leading Gaga to share some tears while listening.

Lady Gaga in A star is born

Lady Gaga in A star is born

This was not the first time the cast became emotional during the press tour. At the world premiere of the film at the Toronto International Film Festival, Gaga shed tears as the crowd gave her several ovations and her costars congratulated her.

She burst into tears when Lukas Nelson – son of Willie Nelson and co-author of songs about the movie – told him, "You just destroyed all the scenes in which you were.

The words provoked applause that immediately prompted an ovation.

We saw Gaga burst into tears as she covered her face with her hands. She raised her head and pulled "Thank you" as the audience cheered harder.

A star is born is in theaters on October 5th.

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