Lady Gaga Trump Blasts for Criticizing Dr. Christine Blasey Ford – Rolling Stone


Lady Gaga defended Dr. Christine Blasey Ford during an impassioned interview on Thursday's Late Show, calling the nationwide debacle over her credibility "one of the most upsetting things I have ever witnessed." The singer-actress called it "heartbreaking" that people dismissed and ridiculed Dr. Ford, who alleges that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a teenage gathering in the early 1980s.

"I am a sexual assault survivor," she said. "Trump the other day was speaking to a rally, and he said, 'She has no memory of how she got to the party. Should we trust that she remembers the assault? 'And the answer is' yes' … And I also know this woman is smart because she's a psychologist – she's no dummy. If someone is assaulted or experiences trauma, there is science and scientific proof – it's biology – that people changes. The brain changes. What does it do? It does not matter what it is.

"And it's a lot of other things. It can cause body pain. It can cause baseline elevations in anxiety. It can cause complete avoidance of not wanting to even remember or think about what happened to you. But what I believe that Judge Kavanaugh was able to get into the position of being able to do so in the first place. And when that opened, she was brave enough to share with the world to protect this country. "

Lady Gaga, on-hand promoting her role in the musical-drama movie A Star Is Born, also spoke to Stephen Colbert about "shapeshifting" to perform. With Ally, her character in the movie, she stripped away her makeup and used her natural hair color – but, she argued, it was not a symbolic shift toward her true self.

"It's not the way that I want to dress, necessarily, or the way I want to walk, or the way I want to be," she said. "I had to really get inside of that. I had to get my hair done before, and I had to get into it, and I had to get used to it. It was actually kind of liberating because nobody knew who I was. "

The vocalist also praised the "incredible" talent and leadership of Cooper, her director and co-star in the film. "There can be 100 people in the room, and 99 do not believe in you and just one does. And Bradley Cooper believed in me, and I would not be here, "she said.

As Colbert continued to contrast Ally and Lady Gaga, the performer emphasized the most important crucial trait they share: an undying musical passion. "Man, if I did not have an ability to show my songs, I do not know who I would be," she said. It's part of who I am. It's part of what made me happy my whole life. If I was not in your bar right now, I'm still in a bar downtown, banging on a piano somewhere with my high heel on the keys, singing my brains off. "

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