Lady Gaga wears an oversized pantsuit for a powerful feminist reason


Lady Gaga was wearing a trouser suit for an important reason at the annual Women's Night Celebration on Monday night Elle.

"I've tried dress after dress today to prepare for this event, tight corset, heel after heel, diamond, feather, thousands of beaded fabrics and some of the world's finest silks," Gaga said. accepting a Women's Hollywood Award from the magazine. "To be honest, I felt stomachache."

Gaga, a music superstar whose film debut in "A Star is Born" was greeted, told the crowd that she was beginning to think about why she cared so much about what she was wearing for an event created to honor women for their talent and power. She explained how Hollywood women are often valued for their bodies and how the pressure can exacerbate her problems with PTSD, eating disorders and mental health.

"I wondered: what does it really mean to be a woman in Hollywood?" She said.

"We are not just objects to entertain the world," she continued. "We are not members of a giant beauty contest intended to be a match against another for the enjoyment of the public. We women in Hollywood, we are voices. We have deep thoughts as well as ideas, beliefs and values ​​about the world and we have the power to speak and be heard and to respond when we are silenced. "

After trying on several dresses, Gaga finally discovered Marc Jacobs' oversized pantsuit, which she had decided to wear for Monday night. Despite the confusion and disapproval of her staff, Gaga said the outfit made her feel good.

In this costume, I felt like me today. In this costume, I felt the truth about who I am in my belly.
Lady Gaga

"It was an oversized man's suit for a woman. Not a dress. And then I started crying, "she said. "In this costume, I felt like myself today. In this costume, I felt the truth about who I am in my belly. And I wonder what I meant tonight. "

Gaga added that despite all the injustices in the world, wearing the pantsuit was a small act of empowerment.

"As a survivor of sexual assault by someone from the entertainment industry, as a woman who still does not have the guts to say her name, as a woman who suffers from chronic pain, as a woman conditioned very early to listen to what men have told me to do, I decided today to regain power. Today, I am wearing the trousers. "

She concluded with a powerful call to action, inviting audience members to resist harmful standards of beauty and to use their voice for good.

"I had the revelation that I needed to be able to become myself today more than ever," she said. "Resisting Hollywood standards, no matter what it means. Resist dressing standards to impress. To use what really matters: my voice. "

Head to She to read Gaga's complete speech.

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