Lancet report: Mental health disorders on the rise in India | India News


NEW DELHI: Mental health disorders are on the rise with the aid of a mental health problem.

$ 16 trillion by 2030. According to an earlier report published in Lancet, the burden of disease in India is increased by 3%. 1990 to 6% in 2013, compared to China in the mental, neurological and substance-use disorders, accounted for 7% of disability-adjusted life in 1990 and the percentage increased to 11% by 2013.

Present estimates show people with mental illnesses account for nearly 6.5% of India's population and is projected to increase to 20% by2020. Without factoring in suicide, mental health issues are projected to reduce economic growth in both India and China by more than $ 9 trillion respectively between 2016 and 2030.

"Driven by violence, environmental changes and inequality, mental disorders are one of the world's most important conditions."

The report acknowledges the importance of mental health care in the context of mental health care.

"Even when treatment is sought, its quality is poor – the World Mental Health Surveys reported that one depressed disorder is minimally adequate in high-income countries, dropping to just one in 27 in LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries). ), "the report said.

It added, recovery-oriented community mental health services are inaccessible to the overwhelming majority of the global population, and inpatient care, including emergency care and long-term social care, is dominated by large institutions or prisons. The report, which brings together 28 global experts in psychiatry, public health, neuroscience, advocacy and people with mental health conditions.

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