LAPD on "red alert" on possible Cardi B and Nicki Minaj at AMA


Prepare for a possible drama (read: make popcorn immediately) as Cardi B and Nicki Minaj may meet face to face for the first time since their infamous Harper's BBC Party . Where, if you remember, shoes, wigs, nails and elbows were thrown away.

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TMZ reports that rivals are both present tonight at the American Music Awards, with Cardi B about to take the stage. We do not know what Nicki will do during the show (maybe just by looking sideways well placed), but TMZ says that no teams of rappers have made "special request to avoid it". And they say the Los Angeles police are aware that Cardi and Nicki will both be present and are on "red alert".

By the way, Cardi literally tackled this quarrel for the cover of W, saying that she has about zero regret. "It's been a while since she's shooting me a lot," Cardi said. "I talked to her twice before and we got along, but she kept going." She also defended the public nature of her fight and that of Nicki, stating, "So many people mean that this holiday was neither the place nor the place, but I will not catch another artist in the grocery store or in the building. "

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