Larry Page, co-founder of Google, has mysteriously disappeared from public life


Google's co-founder Larry Page has apparently disappeared from public life.

While other founders of big tech companies like Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter, Jack Dorsey, have more and more needs to shed light on how the Senate Bloomberg reports on its private Caribbean island.

The page co-founded Google with Sergey Brin in 1998. Both are currently senior executives of Google's parent company, Alphabet, where Bloomberg said Page continues to hold meetings with all companies.

Bloomberg notes that in the 1990s, the page was diagnosed with vocal cord paralysis. He spoke about the situation in 2013. He said that it made his voice softer and made long monologues more difficult. The 45-year-old co-founder of Google has not spoken in public since a TED conference in 2014, although Google has recently been attacked by President Trump for alleged prejudices of the Left and potential antitrust violations.

Last week, Google's lack of leadership was particularly visible at the Senate Intelligence Committee, where Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook operations director Sheryl Sandberg testified. An empty chair was left to Google after the CEO of Page and Google, Sundar Pichai, refused to attend.

Senator Mark Warner tore up Google's leadership for not having arrived. "Given its size and influence, I would have thought that Google executives would like to demonstrate how important it is to meet these challenges and lead this important public discussion," he said.

Bloomberg spoke with Roger McNamee, a former investor turned critic. "Google has been incredibly lucky so far that Facebook's failures are much more focused, but they are just as bad," he told Bloomberg. "By not showing up, Facebook has had a huge favor – if you are a shareholder, you should be furious – they have ensured that the intensity will go up."

Being away from public life does not mean that Page has completely retired from the world of technology. According to Bloomberg, Page has stopped being interested in commercial transactions at Google and focuses exclusively on futuristic projects that captivate his interest. For example, Page has made significant investments in flying car companies such as Kitty Hawk and BlackFly.

Page has always protected its privacy, but a withdrawal from public life may attract the wrath of some, now that Google is also in the spotlight with social media companies.

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