Las Vegas Police reopens investigation into alleged rape By Cristiano Ronaldo


Photo: Gabriele Maltinti (Getty)

In a statement to USA todayLas Vegas police confirmed yesterday that the department had officially reopened its investigation into Kathryn Mayorga's claim that Cristiano Ronaldo had raped her at a Las Vegas hotel in 2009.

Mayorga first reported the incident to the police the day after the event, but said his fear of the fame and wealth of the international superstar, as well as the traumatic effects on his emotional state, had prevented him from naming him to the police as his assailant. then. In the end, Mayorga refused to file a complaint and began negotiating a settlement agreement with Ronaldo. The agreement concluded that Ronaldo would pay $ 375,000 to the mayor, provided, among other things, never to talk about the incident again.

Mayorga confirmed the terms of the settlement until recently, when she spoke with the German magazine Der Spiegel Deep down on the night, she says that Ronaldo has raped her and her aftermath. Last month, Mayorga asked the police to reopen her file with new information that she was willing to provide. The department said the investigation was continuing. Because Mayorga reported the incident the day after the event, Nevada law states that there is no statute of limitations to rule.

Although the police never complained, Mayorga was taken to hospital the day after the alleged attack, where a rape kit was set up. The rape kit was never processed because there was no named accuser, but it is still in the hands of the authorities.

In addition to the Las Vegas police investigation into the incident, Mayorga also sued Ronaldo in a civil court. You can read this trial here. Ronaldo himself described the reports on Mayorga's claims as "false news" and his lawyers called them "clearly illegal". Until now, this is the extent of Ronaldo's defense.

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