Lasker Awards for Genetics, Anesthesia and Promoting Women in Science


The coveted prize has been awarded to a Scottish veterinarian, who is one of those who has been championed and who has been helped by the other.

Dr. Kyung-Min Noh and Dr. C. David Allis in a lab.CreditCreditAlbert and Mary Lasker Foundation

The Lasker Awards, which are among the nation's most prestigious prizes in medicine, have been awarded to the United States. who in addition to doing groundbreaking work in RNA biology, paved the way for a new generation of female scientists.

The awards are given by the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation and carry a prize of $ 250,000 for each of three categories. They are sometimes called the "American Nobels" because of the Nobel Prize.

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Dr. John B. GlenCreditAlbert and Mary Lasker Foundation

Dr. John B. Glen

He developed the drug propofol, now has an extensive use of anesthetic that has had surgery.

Dr. Glen, the recipient of the Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award, is only the second veterinarian to win Lasker in 73 years, according to the foundation.

He was a student career path for Dr. Glen, but he was interested in anesthesia at the Glasgow University's veterinary school. "I was anesthetizing dogs, cats, horses – whatever animals came around," Dr. Glen said in an interview. Once used anesthesia one has pelican to fix its beak.

When he arrived in the 1970s At ICI Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Glen has had a great deal of attention to the problem, and has recently begun to treat it as a replacement for thiopentone, a widely used anesthetic that quickly made patients groggy afterward.

In lab tests on mice, he and his colleagues discovered that one of the company's existing compounds, propofol, appeared to work and thiopentone but wore off quickly, without the hangover effect of the earlier drug. Propofol was approved in 1986 in the United Kingdom and the United States.

The drug, known as "milk of amnesia" because of its milky consistency, has been used by patients and is credited with leading to the rapid expansion of outpatient surgery because patients recover so quickly.

Joan Argetsinger SteitzCreditAlbert and Mary Lasker Foundation

Joan Argetsinger Steitz

She became a champion of women in her field and trained nearly 200 future scientists.

Dr. Steitz, the recipient of the Lasker-Koshland Award for Special Achievement in Medical Science, said winning the award is particularly significant because it has a long history of becoming an undergraduate lab technician in the early 1960s.

"When I started out being excited by science – but I did not think about it," she said in an interview. "The one thing that I really wanted to have the respect of my peers for the scientific contributions I made, and for my participation in the scientific community."

Of the 360 ​​papers that have come from the laboratory, do not include her name, "a gesture of generosity that reflects the belief that the students and the postdoctoral fellows who work completely independently should be allowed to publish on their own," according to the Lasker foundation's quote.

In an interview, Dr. Steitz downplayed this detail. She said in her early days of running her own lab, she was very happy because she was following in the scientific tradition she had learned as a young researcher.

As for her role as an activist, "I feel a little embarrassed by that, because there are so many women that have so much more," she said. What she has done, she said to be "a good citizen and try to help women and other underrepresented people to fulfill their potential."

Dr. C. David AllisCreditAlbert and Mary Lasker Foundation
Dr. Michael GrunsteinCreditAlbert and Mary Lasker Foundation

While their award is for basic science, the practical implications for their discoveries are profound. "Mistakes in setting this up to cancer," Dr. Allis said in the video.

Drug developers used the evolving understanding of histones to come up with new treatments, such as Zolinza, sold by Merck. More are in the pipeline.

"It's really exciting," said Dr. Allis said.

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