Last: EU welcomes other Nobel Peace Prize laureates


Latest news on the award of Nobel Prizes (local time):

3:20 p.m.

The European Union says that this year's Nobel Peace Prize "celebrates the strength, courage and vision" of the co-winners, Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad, recognized for their work in the fight against terrorism. the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.

The EU received the Peace Prize in 2012 for its work for peace, democracy and human rights in Europe. The bloc said in a statement Friday that the latest winners "risked their lives to help, protect and save others".

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini congratulated the two men, saying they "worked tirelessly within their communities to make changes and end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war ".

The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, has praised their "courage and resilience". He said that "in their fight for common human values, they deserve the Nobel Peace Prize."

Murad and Mukwege have already won the first European prize for human rights, the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.


2:40 p.m.

Congolese surgeon Denis Mukwege announced the news of his 2018 Nobel Peace Prize co-winner while he was at the operation table.

In a new audio version on the Nobel site, Mukwege said on Friday that he really had no time to chat, but he described the moment he heard the news as "moving."

The doctor who is treating rape victims in the Central African country that has been devastated by conflict for decades said he was nearing the end of his second day's surgery when he heard people crying.

Mukwege said, "I can see on many women's faces how happy they are to be recognized … it's really touching."

He and Yezidi activist Nadia Murad have won for their campaigns to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.


2:10 p.m.

The newly elected Iraqi president congratulated Yazidi activist Nadia Murad for winning the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.

President Barham Saleh said that honoring Murad was an international recognition of the "catastrophe" that Islamic State militants had been facing the Yazidis. Murad was captured by ISI militants at age 19 and raped, beaten and tortured daily before escaping and becoming an international spokesman for the victims.

According to the US public television channel Saleh, which was elected by parliament earlier this week, the award also recognizes all victims of "terrorism" in Iraq. According to State TV, Murad is the first Iraqi to win a Nobel Prize.

She and Dr. Denis Mukwege, a gynecologist who cares for victims of rape in Congo, won the 2018 prize for combating the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.


1:30 p.m.

Iraq is celebrating the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to former Islamic State prisoner Nadia Murad, saying she is the first Iraqi citizen to win the biggest international prize.

Iraqi state television has halted its normal programs on Friday for a special broadcast on the award of the Nobel Prize by Murad.

The outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, expressed his joy.

The state television correspondent in Europe, Amer al-Moussawi, said in his report that "this is a victory for the just cause for which the Iraqis fought against international terrorism".

Hussam Abdullah, head of the Yazidi Organization for Documentation, used an Arabic term to refer to the IS, said that "this victory represents international recognition of the genocide committed by Daesh".


1:25 p.m.

Congolese politicians express their pride, but it was announced that surgeon Denis Mukwege was one of this year's Nobel Peace Prize laureates for his work on combating the use of sexual violence in times of crisis. war. He is the first Nobel laureate in the country.

"I am proud to be Congolese," said Felix Tshisekedi, the country's most important opposition leader, in an article on Twitter. "The good done for others always ends up being rewarded."

Another opposition leader recently selected by the government as a candidate for the December presidential election, Moise Katumbi, said the prize put Congo in the limelight. But he adds "that it's time for a new political leadership to end the tragedy of raped women".


1:10 p.m.

A US spokesman said the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad for their work in combating the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war is a "fantastic announcement" ".

Alessandra Velluci told the press in Geneva: "This is a very close cause of the United Nations and as you know, we have a special representative who is also working in this direction, and I am sure that this Nobel Peace Prize will contribute because of the end of sexual violence as a weapon of conflict ".

Murad is the US Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings.



German Chancellor Angela Merkel hailed the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad.

Steffen Seibert, spokeswoman for Merkel, said Friday that the German Chancellor had "great respect for her work".

Seibert said that Murad had arrived in Germany in 2015 as part of a special program for women victims of violence and had met with Merkel in 2016 to discuss her work in the service of others.



A Dutch foundation named in honor of Dr. Denis Mukwege hailed the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize.

In a statement, the Mukwege Foundation announced that Friday's award to the Congolese gynecological surgeon and Yazidi activist Nadia Murad sent "a clear message: sexual violence in wars is unacceptable and must stop."

Mukwege is a special advisor to the foundation working to end sexual violence in wars.

The Foundation says she "will continue to work with Dr. Mukwege and his team, as well as Nadia Murad, to create a world in which sexual violence as a method of warfare will be abolished and survivors will receive care that they need".

The praises of other colleagues and supporters of Mukwege have also been praised.

"Well deserved and long overdue," said Ken Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.

"It's been 10 years since I first proposed the heroic Mukwege to the Nobel Prize," tweeted Jan Egeland, a former US official who now heads the Norwegian Refugee Council.



The Congolese government congratulates surgeon Denis Mukwege for his Nobel Peace Prize, while acknowledging that his relationship has been strained over the years.

Spokesman Lambert Mende told The Associated Press that Mukwege had done "remarkable work" in dealing with victims of sexual violence during years of conflict in the east of the country.

Mukwege once criticized the Congolese government and accused its troops of having a culture of sexual violence.

The Congolese government spokesman said that "we have not always agreed" and that Mukwege tended to "politicize" his humanitarian work. However, "we welcome the fact that a compatriot is recognized".



Dr. Denis Mukwege, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018, is a country in Central Africa, nicknamed "the rape capital of the world", by the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict .

Eastern Congo has witnessed more than two decades of bloody conflict between armed groups that either sought to overthrow presidents or take control of a billion-dollar piece of the country's mineral wealth. Rape has been used as a vicious weapon of war.

Millions of people have been killed over the years and millions more have fled. Dozens of armed groups still roam the area and some are currently disrupting attempts to fight a new Ebola epidemic in northeastern Congo, causing alarm among health workers.

Gunmen attempted to kill Mukwege in 2012, forcing him to temporarily leave the country.

He won the peace prize on Friday with Nadia Murad, a Yezidi woman turned world spokesperson for victims after being raped and tortured by Islamic State militants.



Nadia Murad, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was captured by Islamic State militants at the age of 19 and raped, beaten and tortured daily before she managed to escape.

After being treated in Germany, Murad became the world spokesperson for Yazidi women. She recounted their plight to the United Nations Security Council and was appointed Special Ambassador of the United States.

Tens of thousands of Yazidis fled to Mount Sinjar in Iraq in 2014, where they were surrounded and besieged by militants from the Islamic State. The United States, Iraq, Britain, France and Australia stole water and supplies until Kurdish fighters opened a corridor to escape.

The UK called the assault on the IS genocide, claiming that "the 400,000 members of the Yezidi community had been displaced, captured or killed". Of the thousands of people captured by the Islamic State, boys were forced to fight for extremists, many men were executed and women and girls were sold into slavery.

The German Yezidi community has intervened and the state of Baden-Württemberg has set up a program to bring abused women to the EI in Germany, including Murad.



According to the head of the foundation responsible for the "Nobel Alternative" prize, awarding the Nobel Peace Prize 2018 to Congolese surgeon Denis Mukwege "is a fantastic choice", "it not only helps to repair women (physically), but restores them dignity."

Ole von Uexkull, Head of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation, said the 2018 prize "must be a call to fight violence against women everywhere".

He said Friday that Mukwege received the Right Livelihood Award in 2013 for "his courageous work healing women survivors of sexual violence during the war and denouncing its root causes."

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has jointly awarded the Peace Prize to Mukwege and Nadia Murad, a Yazidi captive of the Islamic State group.



The Congolese gynecological surgeon, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient for his treatment of victims of sexual violence, previously described gender inequality as a shame for society.

Dr. Denis Mukwege made the comments last year at an international meeting of the Lutheran Church in Namibia. He said the churches had to denounce sexual abuse and he condemned what he called "inhumanity" that some men show with regard to women.

Mukwege has treated thousands of women in Congo, many of whom have been gang-raped in various conflicts. Gunmen attempted to kill him in 2012, forcing him to temporarily leave the country.

Mukwege on Friday received the Nobel Peace Prize with Nadia Murad, spokesperson for Yazidi women abused by the Islamic State group.



According to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Denis Mukwege is "the most federating and unifying symbol, at the national and international levels, of the fight against sexual violence in times of war and armed conflict".

Mukwege and his team treated thousands of patients who were raped or sexually abused during Congo's long civil war.

"The importance of Mr. Mukwege's persistent, dedicated and selfless efforts in this area can not be overemphasized.It repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rapes and criticized the Congolese government for Other countries for not doing enough to stop sexual violence against women, a strategy and a weapon of war, "the committee said Friday in its quote.



Nadia Murad, one of two Nobel Peace Laureates 2018, has become the spokesperson for Yazidi women abused by the Islamic State group.

In December 2015, she told the UN Security Council how she and thousands of other Yazidi women and girls had been kidnapped, held captive and repeatedly raped after the fall of the Sinjar region of Iraq in August 2014 against IS militants. She escaped after three months of captivity.

A year after the Iraqi security forces retook most of the areas controlled by the IS, about 3,000 Yazidi women and girls are still missing, most of them presumed dead.

At the age of 23, Murad was named the first Goodwill Ambassador of the United States for the dignity of victims of human trafficking.


11:30 am

The chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee said that this year's Nobel Peace Prize winners were chosen to draw attention to the fact that "women are actually used as weapons of war".

Berit Reiss-Andersen said after announcing the award on Friday that the two winners, Denis Mukwege of Congo and Yazidi Nadia Murad, had put their personal safety at stake as activists on this issue.

Oyvind Sternersen, Nobel historian, said: "This is a Nobel Prize, the recognition of war victims has a long history in the price of peace."



The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad "for their efforts to stop the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict".

The winners were named Friday by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Congolese doctor Mukwege criticized the Congolese government and treated the victims of sexual violence. Murad is a Yazidi who was a captive of the Islamic State group.



The Nobel Peace Prize is still widely anticipated and sometimes controversial.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, which will announce the award this year on Friday, has received nominations for 216 people and 115 organizations. But only a few dozen of them are known – the committee keeps the list of candidacies secret for 50 years, although some candidates are revealed by their authors.

Among those highlighted this year are the Syrian aid group White Helmets, the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, Edward Snowden and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The winner of last year was the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons.

The 2018 prize raises to 9 million Swedish crowns (1.01 million dollars). Previous winners who have been criticized include former US President Barack Obama, who won in 2009 after less than a year in office.

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