Late-night comics celebrate UN countries making fun of Trump, USA


Late-night comedians celebrated the audience of United Nations world leaders who mocked the United States and President Trump during their Tuesday night monologues.

Trump enumerated national economic achievements during a speech to the General Assembly on Tuesday, saying his administration had done more than almost everyone else, so American audiences responded with a laugh. He played down laughter. "I did not expect this reaction but it's ok," he said.

While the hosts of the night were regularly making fun of Trump, they seemed to take extra pleasure from the foreign leaders making fun of the president.

"Do not worry, Mr. Speaker, they do not make fun of you – they make fun of each other," said Stephen Colbert, of CBS, after a joke about the smell of urine.

Colbert did not finish and his blows to the presidency continued for several minutes. He accused Trump of "working in the room like a comic strip of insult" during his speech in the UK.

The host of The Late Late Show, James Corden, stopped where Colbert had stopped opening his program

"Trump delivered a speech at the UN, where he boasted about his achievements and the world leaders present responded with polite applause. I'm kidding – they laughed in the face, "said Corden proudly before playing a video of the moment.

"He had a big laugh! He did. I'm looking forward to seeing Trump return to the next Comedians in Cars Committing Collusion season, Corden said.

The jokes were not limited to CBS, Jimmy Fallon, the host of "NBC Tonight Show," joked that foreign leaders "were asking to be expelled" during the speech of Trump.

"Trump has not heard so many laughs since his party with Stormy Daniels," said Fallon.

Conan O'Brien of TBS also had fun telling his crowd that the United Nations "was laughing" at Trump.

"Trump was furious because for a few seconds he accidentally made some strangers happy," O'Brien said. "It's the thing that made him angry. This was not his intention.

US Ambassador Nikki Haley appeared Wednesday morning on "Fox & Friends" to defend the president, saying the comics had written the story badly.

"I deal with these leaders every day. I know exactly how they think. Do they like America? Do they respect America? Now they do it, "said Haley. "When he said that, they like how honest he is. And it's not diplomatic. And they find that funny. I mean, when he goes and that he's very honest, they've sort of been picked up by him.

Haley then said that foreign leaders "flipped" to get a picture with Trump.

Brian Flood covers the media for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter at @briansflood.

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