Latest news: astronauts are doing well after an emergency landing


BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan – Latest news of the failed launch of the astronaut carrying two astronauts (all local times):


NASA has announced that two astronauts from the United States and Russia have been sent to Moscow by the city of Dzhezkazgan, en route to Moscow, after an emergency landing following the failure of a rocket. Who had taken them to the International Space Station.

NASA has published photos of NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Alexei Ovchinin of Roscosmos undergoing medical checkup at Dzhezkazgan airport. They must be flown to the Baikonur Cosmodrome and then to the Star City Space Training Center outside Moscow.

One of the images showed the smile of The Hague and another had sat near the head of the Russian space agency Dmitry Rogozin.

US and Russian space officials said the astronauts were in good shape after Thursday's failed launch. They sustained a greater than normal G force during emergency landing.


6:15 p.m.

The head of Russia's leading space medicine center said two US and Russian astronauts feel good after an emergency landing.

NASA astronauts Nick Hague and Alexei Ovchinin of Roscosmos took off for the International Space Station on Thursday, but their Soyuz recall failed two minutes after the launch and the rescue pod landed safely in Kazakhstan's steppes. The crew experienced a higher G force than normal, but Russian and US space officials said they were in good condition.

Oleg Orlov, director of the Institute for Medical and Biological Problems, the largest Russian research center in space medicine, said in a televised statement that astronauts had suffered six G during the ballistic descent. He added that the space team was trained to support such loads.


5:20 p.m.

NASA has announced that two astronauts from the United States and Russia will be flown to Moscow after their emergency landing.

NASA astronauts Nick Hague and Alexei Ovchinin of Roscosmos landed on the steppes of Kazakhstan on Thursday after a Russian launch rocket hit the International Space Station.

NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a statement that Hague and Ovchinin were in good condition and would be transported to the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, near Moscow.

He added that a "thorough investigation into the cause of the incident will be conducted".



A senior cabinet official said that Russia was suspending manned space launches pending an investigation into a failure of a Russian booster rocket a few minutes after the launch.

US and Russian space officials said that the astronaut Nick Hague and Alexei Ovchinin of Roscosmos were safe after an emergency landing in the steppes of Kazakhstan following the failure of a rocket from Russian reminder carrying them to the International Space Station.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told reporters that the Soyuz capsule was automatically withdrawing from the recall when it failed 123 seconds after the launch of the Baikonur cosmodrome hired by Russia in Kazakhstan.

He added that all manned launches would be suspended pending an investigation into the cause of the failure. Borisov added that Russia would fully share all relevant information with the United States.



NASA said two astronauts from the United States and Russia were in good condition after an emergency landing following a booster breakdown, just minutes after the launch.

NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Alexei Ovchinin of Roscosmos took off as scheduled at 14:40. (08:40 GMT, 16:40 EDT) Thursday from the Baikonur cosmodrome rented by Russia to Kazakhstan, at the top of a Soyuz booster rocket.

They had to dock at the International Space Station six hours later, but the recall suffered an engine failure a few minutes after launch.

NASA said it had been informed by Russian space authorities that the crew had made an emergency landing in an unspecified place in Kazakhstan and that it was in good condition. The search and rescue teams are heading to the landing site.



Two US and Russian astronauts land an emergency landing after a Russian missile bringing them into orbit to the International Space Station broke down after launch.

NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Alexei Ovchinin of Roscosmos took off as scheduled at 14:40. (08:40 GMT, 16:40 EDT) Thursday from the Baikonur cosmodrome rented by Russia to Kazakhstan, at the top of a Soyuz booster rocket.

They had to dock at the outpost in orbit six hours later, but the recall failed a few minutes after launch.

Russian and US space officials said the crew was heading for an emergency landing in Kazakhstan at an indeterminate time. The search and rescue teams are preparing to reach the planned landing site.


2:50 p.m.

A pair of astronauts from the United States and Russia flew for a mission on the International Space Station.

NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Alexei Ovchinin of Roscosmos took off as scheduled at 14:40. (08:40 GMT, 16:40 EDT) Thursday from the Baikonur cosmodrome rented by Russia to Kazakhstan, at the top of a Soyuz booster rocket. Their Soyuz ship will be moored at the outpost in orbit six hours later.

This is the first space mission in The Hague, which joined the NASA astronaut corps in 2013. Ovchinin spent six months on this station in 2016.

Relations between Moscow and Washington sank to the lowest after the Cold War following the crisis in Ukraine, the war in Syria and allegations of Russia's interference in the US presidential vote of 2016, but Russia and the United States has maintained its space cooperation.

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