Latest News: Colorado US Representative Doug Lamborn Wins Primary GOP


Updated 19h56, Tuesday 26 June 2018

DENVER (AP) – The last on the Colorado mid-term primary (all local times):

8:51 p.m.

United States representative Doug Lamborn won the Republican primary to represent Colorado's 5th Congressional District.

Lamborn has returned from a near-death political experience. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled in April that it could not be on the main ballot because of a technical mistake in collecting signatures from its supporters.

But Lamborn managed to overturn the decision in federal court and defeat a strong challenge from other Republicans in his Colorado Springs district.

The six-term Congressman defeated Darryl Glenn, who was the US Senate candidate in 2016, state senator Owen Hill and two other Republicans. He is the favorite for reelection in November given the predominantly Republican inclination of the district.


8:50 p.m.

Democrats have chosen veteran lawyer and military veteran Jason Crow to face Republican Mike Coffman GOP in the United States in November.

Crow defeated Levi Tilleman, a former environmental adviser to the Obama administration, in Tuesday's primary.

Crow is a former Army Ranger who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also advised former President Barack Obama on issues related to veterans. He works as a lawyer in Denver.

Crow faces Coffman, a veteran who has represented Colorado's 6th congressional district since 2009, and an eternal target of Democrats.

The diverse neighborhood covers the southern and eastern suburbs of Denver.


8:28 p.m.

Turnout has increased dramatically in Colorado's primary, largely thanks to a new state law allowing unaffiliated electors to participate in the two-party nomination contests for the first time.

According to preliminary figures from the office of the Colorado State Secretary, more than 32% of the 3.2 million active state voters voted Tuesday, up from 21% in 2016.

Unaffiliated voters, who make up about one-third of the state's electorate, account for the bulk of the increase. They voted over 250,000 votes, or about 8 percentage points.

Preliminary turnout of members of the two major parties increased by about 3 percentage points.

Enthusiasm is a possible factor. Voter turnout has been high in primary elections across the country, especially among Democrats. This year's poll also had some interesting races. Colorado did not have a presidential primary in 2016. This year, both parties contested the governor's primaries on the ticket.


7:45 p.m.

US representative Jared Polis won the Democratic primary in the race to replace Colorado Democratic governor John Hickenlooper.

Polis got the nomination on Tuesday against former state treasurer Cary Kennedy, former state senate Mike Johnston and lieutenant governor Donna Lynne.

Polis is a five-term congressman, former member of the State Board of Education and a millionaire and philanthropist.

It supports publicly funded pre-school and kindergarten education, college debt cancellation, single payer health care and the promotion of renewable energy.

State law prohibits Hickenlooper from serving for a third consecutive term.

Tuesday's primary was the first in which unaffiliated voters, the largest voting block of the state, could participate in either primary party primary.

Colorado has not elected a Republican governor since Bill Owens, who served from 1999-2007.


7:30 p.m.

State Treasurer Walker Stapleton won the Republican primary for Colorado's governor.

Stapleton got the appointment on Tuesday against businessmen Victor Mitchell, Doug Robinson and Greg Lopez.

Stapleton led a field that collectively pledged to defend any attempt to amend Colorado's Constitutional Taxpayer Bill of Rights, leaving voters to approve tax increases. He also aligned himself with President Donald Trump on immigration, health care and the federal tax plan.

State law prohibits Governor John Hickenlooper from serving for a third consecutive term.

Colorado has not elected a Republican governor since Bill Owens, who served from 1999-2007.

Tuesday's primary was the first in which unaffiliated voters, the largest voting block of the state, could participate in either primary party primary.



The polls were closed at Colorado's mid-term primaries, and election officials report a strong preliminary turnout.

Voters had until seven o'clock in the morning to return their primary ballot papers to the election offices and ballot deposit centers.

Tuesday's primary was the first to allow unaffiliated voters in Colorado to participate in the Democratic Republican Party's primary.

The Office of Secretary of State Wayne Williams said that more than 983,000 Coloradans voted. That's about 30 percent of active voters – and that's a preliminary account.

Democrats issued 385,470 ballots, Republicans 362,590 ballots and unaffiliated voters 235,643 ballots.

In 2016, 21% of active voters participated in primary school.


4:50 p.m.

More than 983,000 Coloradans have voted so far in Tuesday's primary elections.

The Office of Secretary of State Wayne Williams said the Democrats voted 385,470 ballots, Republicans 362,590 ballots and unaffiliated voters 235,643 ballots.

This is the count more than two hours before polls close at 7 pm.

Colorado has 3.8 million people eligible to vote.

An initiative voted in 2016 allows Colorado's 1.2 million active independent voters, the largest voting block in the state, to vote in both democracies or in Republicans, but not both.


3:50 p.m.

Ryan Greene, a 27-year-old independent voter from Denver, says he's voting for the first time in Colorado's mid-term primary thanks to a new law opening party elections to unaffiliated voters.

Greene said Tuesday that he voted for Democrat Mike Johnston in the governor's race – and that he chose the Democratic primary because he believes the country has rocked too dramatically to the right , politically.

"I saw what I had to see on the bright side," says Greene.

He says his main problems are gun violence – "and honestly, rent and student loans."

"We have more student debt than credit card debt in this country and it will really sting us here, I see friends struggling for years."



The results of the primary election in a county of western Colorado could be delayed until Thursday or Friday.

Election officials say the Montrose County ballots will have to be counted by hand because of a problem with the barcodes printed on them.

The county announcement states that the ballots will be counted in lots of 25 by a bipartisan team of three. The county election staff and Colorado State Secretary's office staff will participate.

The largely Republican county has about 27,000 eligible voters, less than 1 percent of the state's total. As of Tuesday morning, about 8,600 had voted.



More than 830,000 Colorado voters cast their ballots in the primary election on Tuesday morning.

Colorado State Secretary Wayne Williams says he's expecting a total of 900,000 or even 1 million ballots at the end of the election at 7:00 pm.

Up to now, Williams' office indicates that 324,206 votes were cast by Democrats, 311,329 by Republicans and 198,130 by non-affiliated voters.

The state has 3.8 million people eligible to vote.

An initiative voted in 2016 allows Colorado's 1.2 million active independent voters, the largest voting block in the state, to vote in both the Democratic and Republican categories, but not both.



It's the last day for Colorado voters to have their say on who should represent the Republican and Democrat parties in this year's political races, including one who will succeed the time-limited governor John Hickenlooper.

The first primary election of the state to include independent voters ends at 19 hours. Tuesday.

Voters still file their postal ballots on foot, by car and by bike at the state's polling stations, as it is too late to mail them.

An initiative voted in 2016 allows Colorado's 1.2 million active independent voters, the largest voting block in the state, to vote in both the Democratic and Republican categories, but not both.


1:25 p.m.

The race to succeed Colorado's term governor, Democrat John Hickenlooper, topped the mid-term primaries of the state on Tuesday.

Democrats, including US representative Jared Polis, generally offer booths on schools, health care and energy to the left of centrist Hickenlooper. Republicans, including Treasurer Walker Stapleton, hope to hold a governorship that they have not held since 2007.

Republicans and Democrats have offered radically different post-Hickenlooper visions for Colorado's role – or resistance – in implementing Trump's administration policies on immigration, the environment, human rights and the environment. taxes and health care.

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