Latest News: Eritrea claims peace deal and calls for lifting of sanctions


Latest news from the United States General Assembly (local time):

7:55 p.m.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea praises the merits of the historic peace agreement between his country and Ethiopia and calls for the immediate lifting of US sanctions, calling them "unjustified" and of "denial of justice".

Osman Saleh Mohammed said Saturday at the ministerial meeting of the UN General Assembly that "with a positive wind of peace in our region", some members of the Security Council call for the lifting of sanctions , others looking for excuses "to move the goal" and maintain the illegal sanctions.

The Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Eritrea and sanctions on its political and military leaders in December 2009 after UN experts declared that the Horn nation of Iraq Africa was supporting al Shabab extremists in Somalia and had not withdrawn following clashes with Djibouti in June. 2008.

Mohammed said the previous US administrations were primarily responsible for the "fabricated charges" that caused severe economic damage and hurt the country's reputation and investment prospects.

As a result, Mr. Mohammed stated that Eritrea not only called for the immediate cancellation of sanctions, but "corrected damage and lost opportunities".

Eritrea has recently re-established diplomatic relations with Somalia and Djibouti.


7:40 p.m.

The Somali Foreign Minister told the US General Assembly that his young government had made considerable progress in the fight against al-Shabab's violent militants and had asked for it. world body to lift its arms embargo.

Ahmed Awad Isse says that young people no longer join al-Shabab as they did before because "this ideology is no longer popular".

In his Saturday speech, Isse said that the Somali government has engaged with religious leaders, youth, the elderly and women to "reverse the trend in the twisted ideology of hatred and religious intolerance ".

Isse also notes that many, including some of the senior commanders of the militant group, have accepted the offer of amnesty from the government and surrendered peacefully.

He added that the lifting of the arms embargo would level the playing field in Somalia's fight against extremist groups. He noted that "a greater fighting ability would allow us to have the upper hand".

Al-Shabab is attempting to establish an Islamic state in Somalia and is the deadliest Islamist extremist group in sub-Saharan Africa.



A year after the Prime Minister of Dominica made a passionate appeal to the United States for help for his country and other hurricane-affected islands, Foreign Minister Francine Baron said that Experience and response had made his country "stronger and more motivated".

Baron spoke Saturday at the General Assembly, where Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit urged world leaders last year to "let these extraordinary events spark extraordinary efforts to rebuild nations in a sustainable manner". His country had been ravaged weeks ago by the powerful hurricane Maria.

For the past year, Dominica has been rebuilding itself while forming a "climate change resilience" worth billions of dollars.

Baron noted that the cost of such improvements goes beyond what small countries like Dominica can manage without help.

She thanked the international community and individuals for their assistance so far.



Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has postponed her speech at the US General Assembly as trade talks between the United States and Canada intensify.

Freeland was supposed to talk Saturday but traded with another country. Freeland may or may not deliver the speech on Monday.

Canada is the second largest trading partner of the United States. It was left out when the United States and Mexico reached an agreement last month to reorganize the North American Free Trade Agreement.

The United States and Canada are under pressure to reach an agreement by Sunday, while the United States must make public the full text of the agreement with Mexico.

Trade negotiations are deadlocked on issues such as high tariffs on dairy products in Canada.

– By Rob Gillies, writer at The Associated Press in Toronto.


4:40 p.m.

The deadly Indonesian tsunami is of great concern to emissaries from several other countries who address the United States General Assembly.

Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Belize's Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington and Sao Tome's Foreign Minister Urbino Botelho were among those expressed their sympathy and condolences to the Indonesians on Saturday at the assembly. Swaraj promised that "India will collaborate to help during this tragic time".

A powerful earthquake triggered a tsunami Friday night that triggered waves of up to 6 meters, killing hundreds on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. At least 384 people have been killed in the city of Palu and this number is expected to increase as rescuers reach the surrounding coastal areas.

Indonesian Vice President Muhammad Jusuf Kalla spoke at the General Assembly on Thursday.


3:00 p.m..

The Pakistani top diplomat blames India for a recent break in his relations as he addresses a rally of world leaders. According to him, Pakistan "prefers politics to peace".

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi's remarks come a few hours after India accused his country of harboring terrorists.

Qureshi and his Indian counterpart, Sushma Swaraj, were expected to meet in the United States this week. But the day after the announcement of the meeting, India canceled it after the death of an Indian border guard in the disputed Kashmir region.

Qureshi said that the current Indian government had already interrupted the dialogue between the two countries three times, "each time on a fragile basis". India had previously rejected the idea of ​​sabotaging the peace talks,

The two South Asian nations and the nuclear powers are worried neighbors. They fought two of their three wars since independence in 1947 over the disputed Kashmir region.


2:50 p.m.

The Austrian Foreign Minister addressed in her address to the US General Assembly a range of global issues in four world languages.

Karin Kneissl began his remarks on Saturday in Arabic, claiming that humanity had a voice in the General Assembly Hall and was to use it "to voice the voices of those outside this room" who live in wars and conflicts.

Kneissl then switched to French, Spanish and English, thanking the interpreters for their "patience and indulgence".

Along the way, she quoted a Latin phrase and a Hebrew sentence.

In different languages, she touched on topics such as global warming, gender equality, the future of the 2015 agreement on Iran's nuclear power and ways to move from one country to another. 39, a "military situation to a diplomatic transition" in a war-torn Syria.



The Indian foreign minister is using her speech on the international scene to accuse neighboring Pakistan of harboring terrorists.

Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj also rejected the idea that India was sabotaging peace negotiations with Pakistan, calling it a "complete lie".

She accused Pakistan of "verbal duplicity", noting that Osama bin Laden had been found there, and said that the brain of the 2008 attack in Mumbai "still hangs in the streets of Pakistan in all directions. impunity".

Swaraj and his Pakistani counterpart were to meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly this week, but India only canceled it one day after the announcement of this announcement, following the murder of an Indian border guard in the disputed Kashmir region.

The announcement of the planned meeting was seen as an encouraging sign for the resumption of stalled negotiations between South Asian armed neighbors.

Pakistan and India have waged two of the three wars since independence in 1947 over Kashmir, divided between the two countries but sought by each in its entirety.



North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said his nation would never disarm its nuclear weapons if it could not trust Washington.

Ri was speaking Saturday at the United Nations General Assembly. He called on the United States to follow up on promises made at a summit in Singapore between rival leaders.

His comments come as US. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seems poised to resume nuclear diplomacy deadlock more than three months after the Singapore meeting with Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

Ri says it is an "absolute dream" that the continuation of the sanctions and the United States' objection to a declaration ending the Korean War will put the North on its knees.

Washington is wary of accepting the declaration without Pyongyang first making major disarmament moves.

Kim and US President Donald Trump both want a second summit. But there is widespread skepticism about Pyongyang's willingness to give up an arsenal that the country probably considers the only way to guarantee its security.

Pompeo plans to travel to Pyongyang next month to prepare for a second Kim-Trump summit.



The Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs calls for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from Syria who are in the country "illegally".

Walid al Moallem quotes American, French and Turkish troops in Syria without invitation from the Syrian government.

He says the Syrian government sees them as "occupying forces and will be treated accordingly".

The United States has about 2,000 soldiers in northern Syria, working with local forces against Islamic State militants in the country.



Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said a committee drafting a new constitution would not accept outside dictates.

He says that everything that is perceived as an intervention in the internal affairs of Syria is rejected.

He spoke on Saturday, a few days after the United States and six other countries called on the United Nations to convene a committee to begin drafting a new constitution for Syria and to promote a political transition in that war-ravaged country. .

"The conditions or pre-conclusions on the work of the committee will not be accepted," said Muallem.

The US-led effort to bring together the Syrian belligerent factions to prepare a new constitution under which elections would be held has been stalled for years.



The head of Syrian diplomacy told world leaders that his country's "fight against terrorism is almost over."

Walid al-Moallem also promised Saturday at the US General Assembly that the Syrian government would release the country from all "illegitimate" foreign troops. And he called all the refugees to go home, saying that it was a priority for Damascus.

Syrian government forces, backed by Russia and Iran, took over most of the territories seized by the rebels during the war that killed more than 400,000 people and drove millions of people from their homes.



The deadly Indonesian tsunami is worrying some world leaders as they address the United States General Assembly less than a day later.

Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj expressed her condolences to Indonesia in her speech on Saturday. She promised that "India would cooperate to help in this tragic time".

The tsunami swept buildings and killed at least several hundred people on the central Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesman for the agency responsible for the disasters, said that 384 people had been killed in the only hard-hit city of Palu.

The neighboring city of Donggala and the city of Mamuju were also ravaged by the magnitude 7.5 earthquake and tsunami. But the help did not reach these communities, because of damaged roads and disrupted telecommunications.



Two of the world's most troubling hot spots send emissaries to express themselves in front of the world.

North Korea and Syria are international hot spots that cross national borders and are set to appear in front of the US General Assembly on Saturday, at a time when both countries may be on the brink of significant development. .

US President Donald Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, are trying to regain momentum more than three months after the Singapore summit with Kim Jong Un of North Korea. They are trying to organize a second meeting in order to convince Pyongyang to give up its nuclear ambitions.

Syria could be about to emerge from seven years of bloody conflict that included the use of chemical weapons.

The Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs will step on the podium, with his government firmly controlling most of the territory occupied by the opposition during several of the seven years of conflict.

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