Latest News: Italy will investigate alleged threats of migrants



INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP) – Latest news about the migrant crisis in Europe (all local times):

5:20 pm

was arrested in Sicily, but is still waiting for permission to disembark his 67 migrants, after two of them were accused of threatening their rescuers when they were brought back to Libya.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Thursday until there is clarity about what happened after a commercial tug Italian rescued them during the weekend. The Italian Minister of Transport said that some migrants had threatened the crew with death. The threats prompted the Italian Coast Guard to board the migrants and bring them back to Trapani

Salvini said he wanted to know if the crew "was exaggerating" by reporting the threats

Salvini said: "If someone lied, he will pay, if there is violence, he will be punished."

Salvini hoped that Italy's tough stance on migration will become the European position, for the sake of the bloc's integrity. He says: "If you drastically reduce departures and arrivals, the problems within the EU between different countries will also be reduced."



France hosted a group of 78 asylum seekers. The French Interior Ministry said the group arrived in France Thursday from Spain, where the rescue vessel Aquarius that rescued them was cleared to enter the ports of France. Eritrea and Sudan.

The ministry indicated that the 78 refugees needed to be protected as refugees and that they would be housed in regions of south-eastern and northern France during the process. Asylum

attracted attention after Italy and Malta refused the docking rights of the aid vessels. Spain and France finally agreed to accept the passengers

France has hosted far fewer migrants in recent years than neighboring Germany or Italy.



Italian Coast Guard ship in waters off Sicily pending permission to land its 67 migrants, some of whom are accused of mutiny and threaten their rescuers if they were brought back to Libya.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini vowed to identify, imprison and prosecute "criminals" rescued over the weekend by a commercial tugboat off Libya. The Minister of Transport, Danilo Toninelli, said that some migrants had threatened the crew of the tug with death, apparently fearing to be sent back to Libyan detention centers.

The tug alerted the Italian authorities and the migrants were transferred to the coast. the Diciotti guard ship, which remained Thursday off the coast of Trapani

On the Trapani docks, activists were protesting against Italy's harsh stance on migrants. Many wore red T-shirts that became a symbol of those who favored a greater reception of migrants, many of whom dress their children in red to make them easier to spot in case of shipwreck.



Senior security officials in Germany, Italy and Austria are uncompromising on migration issues, saying Europe must protect its external borders and fight against the traffic of human beings.

The German Horst Seehofer The Italian counterparts, Herbert Kickl and Matteo Salvini, on Thursday morning, in anticipation of a wider meeting of EU Interior Ministers.

Kickl says that the group wants to "send a clear message to the world, and especially to the traffickers, that it has won" It will no longer be possible in the future to penetrate the European soil if you do not. Are not entitled to protection. "

Mr. Seehofer says ministers, all extremists on migration, are looking for European solutions, but" Everyone knows that this is going to be a herculean task. "

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