Latest News: Mexico's next leader delivers plan to Pompeo


WASHINGTON – Last Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Cabinet-Level Delegation Meetings with Mexican officials City (All Time EDT):


Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador presented to a high-level US delegation a proposal on how the two countries can work together on key areas cooperation. 19659008] According to Marcelo Ebrard, Lopez Obrador chose as Secretary of Foreign Relations after taking office on 1 December.

Ebrard says the proposal covers four main pillars of the relationship: trade, development, security and migration. He adds that details will only be made public after he will be in the hands of US President Donald Trump.

Ebrard calls Friday's meeting between Lopez Obrador and US officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, "frank, respectful and cordial".



US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulated Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and said that a visit from an American delegation high level in the country meant Washington's commitment in bilateral relations.

Pompeo met Lopez Obrador in Mexico City on Friday afternoon. Less than two weeks after his slippery election

Pompeo told the president-elect that the presence of four senior US officials shows that "America greatly appreciates our relationship with Mexico."

He acknowledged that "there were bumps in" But he added that President Donald Trump "is determined to make the relationship between our peoples better and stronger."

The delegation met earlier current president Enrique Pena Nieto and visited the US Embassy in central Mexico City



The office of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said that he asked a US delegation led by Secre Interior Minister Mike Pompeo will quickly reunite separated migrant families at the border.

A presidency statement says he calls for "a permanent alternative that privileges well-being and the rights of minors. "

The President said he was concerned about a recent attack on a 92-year-old Mexican legally residing in California.The man was reportedly beaten by a woman with a brick and we l He allegedly said to "return to his country."

Pena Nieto stated that such incidents "encourage a climate of hate and racism that we must avoid."

12.45 pm

An American delegation led by the State Secretary Mike Pompeo arrived at Los Pinos, the official residence of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The procession rolled through the streets of Mexico City until the residence and disappeared behind

The delegation is also due to meet President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a leftist populist who won by a landslide field on July 1st. The radical change in Mexican politics offers neighboring countries a chance to "

It takes office on 1 December.

Accompanying Pompeo to the trip, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and White House Councilor Jared Kushner, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Hom

They are scheduled to meet later Friday afternoon with the Secretary of State external relations, Luis Videgaray.



State Secretary Mike Pompeo heads a Cabinet-level delegation in Mexico, following an election campaign that could offer a chance to the neighbors to repair their tense relationships.

Joining Pompeo on Friday will be the son-in-law of President Donald Trump and White House Councilor Jared Kushner, Secretary of the Treasury. Steven Mnuchin (mih-NOO & # 39; -shin) & Secretary for Homeland Security Kirstjen (KEER & # 39; -state) Nielsen

US-Mexico relations have deteriorated considerably under Trump, who campaigned for construction of a border wall and social problems in the United States

However, following the overwhelming victory of the leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, tensions eased

The two leaders made positive statements as a result of a phone call his month. The wall was not mentioned.

Lopez Obrador to replace President Enrique Pena Nieto in December

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