Latest News: MLB Commissioner Defends Free Agent Signatures


WASHINGTON (AP) The latest on the all-star baseball game:

9:10 pm

Willson Contreras scored the National League on the star chart by snapping Blake Snell in the third inning

Contreras hit Snell's first throw just above the wall in the left field to reduce the US league's lead to 2-1.

The three races scored on solo circuits

At the top of the third, Mike Trout dominated Jacob deGrom

Trout went deep on a 1-2 quick ball, sending him into the HA enclosure in the left field.

This was the second Trout circuit in five All-Star Game appearances and improved to 7-for-15 (.467) in his All-Star career. He was named MVP of the game in 2014 and 2015.


Aaron Judge gave the American League a 1-0 lead in the All-Star match with a circuit off Max Scherzer

At the start of the second run, the Yankees hitter caught a 0-1 Scherzer fastball and sent him into the paddock beyond the left ground fence

. in his second appearance. Last year, he went from 0 to 3.

The national league director, Dave Roberts, tapped on Scherzer to start the game in part because it's played at his football stadium. baseball. The right-hander of the Nationals made his third All-Star start.


A combat nurse who received the Medal of Honor for his service to Vietnam threw the first ceremonial throwing for the All-Star Game at the National Park

James McCloughan was one of 30 recipients of the Medal of Honor to be honored before the game. After serving in Vietnam, McCloughan spent 38 years as a baseball coach in Michigan

. In choosing McCloughan, Major League Baseball remained out of political controversy during the first 49-year star game in Washington. President Donald Trump did not attend the party a day after drawing bipartisan criticism for siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy launched the first Star Games in Washington during their terms. Dwight D. Eisenhower declined because he was recovering from surgery, while Richard M. Nixon had to delegate responsibility to Vice President Spiro Agnew because the 1969 match was postponed one day by the rain.

19:20 [19659002] Some Cubs fans – and gamers – claim on social media that Bryce Harper "cheated" during the Home Run Derby to beat Kyle Schwarber of Chicago

Harper 19 circuits on the final round of the Monday night competition at Nationals Park. beat Schwarber by one. Striking in front of fans of his hometown with his pitching father, Harper seemed to run out of time to catch the Cubs' slugger before he reached nine homers in his last 10 battles to tie him up. . Because he hit two home runs of over 440 feet in the round, Harper gained 30 seconds of extra time that he used to hit the long decisive ball.

The competition rules state that the thrower must wait until the previous ball has landed before throwing another. The video of the event shows Harper's father, Ron, apparently violating this rule. Referees on the ground did not intervene.

But that did not prevent the Cubs' supporters from complaining that Harper had cheated or that the event had been rigged. The result was also bitter for the bettors who put money on Schwarber to win, a population that grew with the legal sports game extended to the United States.


Severe thunderstorms that blew through Washington in the afternoon, the players hope that the conditions are safe and playable for the All-Star Game.

The rain stopped in time to allow the NL and AL to train abbreviated stick

to deal with elements, "said coach Max Scherzer of the Netherlands hosts "You have to throw when it's cold, you have to throw when it's hot, when it's windy, when it's raining. It's just another element of baseball that a pitcher has to face. "

The storms being over, there was not much worry to delay or delay the match as much as the water on the ground could affect the game. The airport Washington's Ronald Reagan national took over two inches of rain and there was stagnant water in the trench of T.

"I hope it's dry and that all of world is safe and no one is hurt. "" That's the goal. "

6:00 pm

If Manny Machado goes to Los Angeles, the Dodgers would be thrilled to [USA] Tuesday reported that the Orioles had to trade their All-Star shortstop to the Dodgers on Wednesday, unless there was a last-minute snag. "Machado says it's not going to happen. 39; heard nothing from his agent and he refused to answer a hypothetical question about going to the Dodgers.

Right-hander Ross Dodgers Stripling says: "Things get serious May ntenant. That's the kind of bat and the kind of player you want in your lineup. "

Stripling says it's good to be in a team that buys instead of selling at the trading deadline." He also credited the Dodgers for making mid-season moves while

Dodgers outfielder Matt Kemp says he's good friends with Machado but has not heard anything. </ p> <p> He says that Machado would bring in some money. Excitement in Los Angeles

5:20 pm

Cubs pitcher Jon Lester and Reds first baseman Joey Votto believe that the off season will be a test of whether Tony Clark , the head of the baseball players union, said Tuesday that he would like to talk about the free agency to the league after so many players were left unsigned for months last winter. [19659002] Lester says that with the class of free agent that might be available – including Bryce Harper and Manny Machado – if the same situation occurs, it would be a problem.

With Clark addressing the possibility of a 2021 labor struggle, Votto told The Associated Press that previous generations of players set up the current tug of war between the sides, which he think is healthy for the game.

5:10 pm

With rumors of swirling trade, Manny Machado makes a fashion statement as Edwards arrives at the Nationals Park for the All-Star Game.

Machado wore a gray double-breasted suit without a shirt under the jacket and a gold chain one inch wide when a red carpet interview with MLB Network. He wore bare ankles, white sneakers and tortoiseshell sunglasses.

As for the place where he will play, Machado does not know it. He says it's "hard" to think that the All-Star could be his last in a Baltimore Orioles uniform. But he also says that he is "blessed to be spoken. Glad to know that people there want me, they want me to be there to help the team win. "

Machado played at the third goal before this season, when he moved to the stop – court, childhood and through the minor leagues.He thinks he would stay short for n '. any team that trades for him and says that he would prefer not to return to third place


The tarpaulin is on the ground and arrives early Fans are looking to to cover or wear ponchos while a summer storm passes through downtown Washington before the star game.

Heavy rains and lightning started shortly after 3 pm Tuesday at Nationals Park and had to continue in the early evening, but if the forecast is maintained, it should be clear by the first throw, which is scheduled for 20:18.

The last All-Star Game to be postponed by the rain was the last Washington, 49 years ago, was postponed for the next day and President Richa Nixon had to delegate first-degree assignments to Vice President Spiro Agnew.

12:55 pm

Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred describes concerns about how the sport has changed and says owners want a broad conversation with players about rule changes.

Manfred says worries include the time between putting the balls into play, the increased number of strikeouts, the increasing number of referrals, He maintains that the changes are the result of "smart people who want win more "in the front office and says that the MLB and the players have to decide" at how much do we want to intervene, OK, and handle this organic change. "

Manfred says" this organic change can be driven by the competition, but there are many places in life where competition has to be restrained a little b Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred defends the reluctance of teams to recruit free agents during the off season and says union leader, Tony Clark, has not responded to a pair of invitations to "Manfred explains that" the only deliberate behavior that took place on the free-agent market the year last is that our clubs have carefully analyzed the available players and made individual decisions as to how to play. what they thought these players were worth. … I'm sure that, from what is already in the books, you'll find that the clubs have made informed decisions as to how these players should be evaluated.

12:10 pm

Players consider the reluctance of teams to sign free agents at the end of the season "constitutes a direct attack" against their rights, according to union leader Tony Clark . He suggested that the quarter-century sport of labor peace could end if concerns are not addressed.

More than 100 free agents remained unsigned when spring training began. Many signed at a fraction of the price that they believed worth and many received shorter contracts than expected.

Baseball had eight work stoppages from 1966 to 1995, but it has had a working peace ever since. The current employment contract continues during the 2021 season.

He was asked if he thought that there could be a stoppage of work at the end of the case if the concerns of the players are not taken into account, Clark says: rights, historically I would suggest that these have manifested themselves in a particular way.

12:05 pm

The head of the baseball players union prefers to extend the wild-card playoffs of a game to a series, but he says that there has time challenges.

The Major League Baseball pitched winning playoffs to one game in each league in 2012, when the playoff field was extended from eight to 10.

This year, the New York Yankees could be considered a wild card with a record that currently has 106 wins.

Tony Clark, head of the Union, said: "Having a series is always … better for one player than for another. "playoff" and adds "it would be great if we could There are challenges in the future for this first game to be a series, but there are some challenges.

The calendar is starting the last week of March or the first week of April. . But the winners of the division may not like to have a prolonged break before the playoffs.


Baseball Players' Union Chief Says Conversations Will Be Held With Police Station to Determine Whether Bans

Following US Supreme Court Decision To cancel a federal ban on sports gaming, New Jersey has passed a law authorizing gambling betting. Team employees, including players, are prohibited from betting on the sport, but no rules apply to their family.

Tony Clark, union leader, said that there will be a discussion with management on legal gambling. "and where the lines should be traced." Clark is also concerned about the players' data versus the game.

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