Latest News: No arrest at a protest against the Sessions event


EL PASO, Texas – The latest on separating immigrant children from their parents (all local times):

1:50 p.m.

No arrests have been made among protesters blocking a street outside of a speech where US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has thrown children at the nation's southern border as victims of torture. A broken immigration system.

The demonstrations outside the Peppermill hotel-casino were colorful, noisy and peaceful.

An act of civil disobedience by more than 20 people who sat in a pedestrian crossing did not attract the attention of the police.

Reno police officer Travis Warren, a spokesman for the department, said the police wanted only to maintain security and not arrest people.

The leader of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, Bob Fulkerson, said the protesters were right.

Fulkerson calls for separating children from families on the southern border of the nation from a state-sponsored act of terror.

At a conference on safety at school, sessions revealed that the situation is difficult and frustrating.

The attorney general said more than 80 percent of children crossing the US border are "alone, without parents or guardians – often sent with a smuggler".


1:40 p.m.

The US Chief of Customs and Border Protection says that the impossibility of treating all asylum seekers at border crossings is temporary.

Commissioner Kevin McAleenan says the facilities have not been built for so many people.

He says that some asylum seekers had to wait a day for four crossings, were fired and said to come back.

There are longer wait times at San Diego San Ysidro. He described that it is an "aberrant" with longer expectations.

Asylum seekers traveling to a specific border crossing are different from the thousands of parents who have been arrested by illegally crossing with their children as part of a zero tolerance policy.

McAleenan says the agents have temporarily stopped sending cases for criminal prosecution involving parents and children.

He says it is because of the order of President Trump who called on children to stop being separated from their families.


13:35 The immigrant rights activists in Seattle are suing the Trump administration, claiming that it unnecessarily prolongs the separation of immigrant asylum seekers from their children.

The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project filed a lawsuit on Monday in the US District Court in Seattle on behalf of three Central American migrants held in federal prisons in Washington State, thousands of kilometers away from where agents of the United States 39, immigration have transferred their children. The lawsuit seeks to obtain class action status on behalf of other immigrants separated from their children and detained in the state of Washington.

The organization says the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not provided any information as to whether inmates' asylum cases will go ahead or where they will be meeting. with their children.

Washington, California, New Jersey and at least eight other states have also announced plans to continue administration during separations this week.


1:25 p.m.

A Portland federal judge has ordered that immigration lawyers have access to more than 120 asylum seekers detained at the federal prison in Oregon.

Judge Michael Simon of the US District granted Monday an emergency order requested by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Innovation Law Lab, a non-profit organization whose lawyers have been denied. Access to Sheridan Prison.

US immigration and customs enforcement have transferred immigrants to Oregon because other detention facilities have been overcrowded since the Trump administration adopted a "zero tolerance" policy involving people illegally entering the United States.

Inmates come from 16 countries, but more than half come from India and Nepal.


1:15 p.m.

The federal authorities on Monday ordered the protesters to end their 24-hour occupation of real estate outside the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs in Portland, Oregon.

Law enforcement officials began distributing notices to leave late Monday morning. Hundreds of protesters have so far ignored the request.

The group rallied under the nickname Occupy ICE PDX wants to abolish the ICE and end the "zero tolerance" policy of the Trump administration in which all illegal crossings of the borders are brought to justice.

Occupy ICE PDX last week called for similar occupations across the country, and protesters responded to places such as New York, Los Angeles and Detroit.

Earlier Monday, federal law enforcement officers entered ICE headquarters in Portland to secure government property before the vacancy announcement.

The protesters did not try to thwart the officers.

The headquarters of ICE in Portland has been the site of occupation since June 17th.



The US Chief of Customs and Border Protection says that he has temporarily stopped sending for criminal prosecution adults who illegally cross the border with children.

Commissioner Kevin McAleenan told reporters in Texas on Monday that he had ordered the suspension of removals in the hours following President Trump's decree last week, which ended the practice of separating families. .

He says that the zero tolerance policy remains in force, but cases can not be prosecuted because parents can not be separated from their children.

He says he's working on developing a plan to resume the lawsuits of illegally entering adults with children.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Reno, Nevada, that federal prosecutors would continue to criminally prosecute captured adults crossing the border.

But Border Patrol officers must return the files for prosecution.

More than 2,300 children were separated from their families before the order last week, causing chaos at the border on how to implement it.



A temporary shelter set up in the far west of Texas for immigrant children is close to its capacity of 360 people.

Reporters were allowed Monday to briefly visit the shelter at the Tornillo border crossing, where more than 320 children aged 13 to 17 are being held.

About half are from Guatemala and 23 of them have been separated from adults who have accompanied them across the border between the United States and Mexico.

The facility has a current capacity of 360. The tents are air-conditioned, and a facility administrator told reporters that the main complaint that he was hearing from children on the site is that the tents are sometimes too cold.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, boys and girls are kept in separate tents and use separate bathrooms and showers.

Journalists were not allowed to enter tents containing children. Two girls who stopped briefly in front of reporters said that they were doing well.



A Democratic legislator claims that a non-profit organization in eastern Kansas that has a contract with the federal government to care for unaccompanied minors cares for 44 immigrant youths, including nine elderly under 12 years old.

House Minority Leader Jim Ward and former US Attorney Barry Grissom strive to reunite children with their parents.

Grissom has assembled a team of 10 lawyers to provide legal services to children.

Grissom says that they were led to believe that some of the children were separated from their parents in a crackdown on the illegal crossings of the US-Mexican border, but this is not confirmed.

Grissom, Ward, state officials and officials from The Villages, who operate five group homes on a 400-acre (162-hectare) site outside Topeka, are expected to meet on Wednesday.



A Democratic congressman said four- and five-year-olds were part of a group of 22 unaccompanied migrant children held at a Catholic charity center south of Miami.

US Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz says the conditions at Bishop Bryan Walsh's Children's Village, which she visited on Monday, are much better than at Homestead Shelter for non-children. accompanied, that she visited Saturday.

This center hosts around 1,000 migrants, 70 of whom have been separated from their parents.

President Donald Trump signed an order last week ending the policy, but many children remain separated.

Wasserman Shultz told reporters Monday that she considers the practice of separating children from their parents "sadistic", "demonic" and "scandalous".

She noted that she saw two minor children who have newborns at the Children's Village.



The US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, defended the Trump administration's immigration policies during a speech at a conference in Nevada while hundreds of protesters gathered outside.

Sessions said at an agreement sponsored by the National Association of School Resource Officers in Reno on Monday that the controversy over immigration is a "difficult and frustrating situation" that requires Congress to pass new legislation.

He says that many children detained on the southern border have been brought there by members of violent gangs, and that "the children have indeed borne much of the burden of our broken immigration system".

Sessions says that the compassionate thing to do is to protect children from violence and drugs, to put criminals in prison and to secure borders. He calls the alternative, open borders, "both radical and dangerous".

No arrests were immediately reported outside, where protesters with placards, drums and a mariachis group demonstrated peacefully.

Some were sitting on a busy road while the police were diverting traffic around the casino-hotel where Sessions was talking.



US defense officials say the Trump administration has chosen two military bases in Texas to house detained migrants.

The authorities identified the bases as Fort Bliss and Goodfellow Air Base and spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to officially speak of a pending announcement.

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said on Sunday that two bases had been selected but he would not identify them.

An official said unaccompanied children detained after crossing the US border would be sheltered at one of the bases and that the other base would house families of migrant detainees.

Under the arrangement, the Department of Defense would provide the land, but the operations would be managed by other agencies.

– Lolita C. Baldor and Robert Burns.



A Republican congressman says that unaccompanied migrant children housed in a Catholic charity in South Florida are treated "exceptionally well" and are "happy".

US Representative Carlos Curbelo toured Catholic Charities Boystown south of Miami on Monday morning.

He says that some children were in classrooms and others were on an excursion to an aquarium.

Curbelo says that "the children were smiling, they were happy".

Curbelo said he opposed President Donald Trump's policy of separating migrant children from family members detained on the border between the United States and Mexico. But he says the school does a good job of taking care of 22 children.

Trump signed an executive order last week ending the policy, but many children remain separated.

Curbelo says that he will work to find a permanent and achievable immigration policy.



More than a dozen protesters block a busy road in downtown Reno, Nevada, near where the US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, appears to be speaking at the time. a conference on safety at school.

The Monday morning protest includes several people waving a banner saying "No Human is Illegal" to draw attention to the Trump Administration's immigration policy and the separation of children and families in the country. the US border.

Reno Bicycle Police blocked traffic around the protesters near a downtown casino-hotel. Some protesters promised to engage in peaceful civil disobedience and to invite arrest.

Nearly two dozen Nevada groups in a progressive alliance tried last week to persuade the National School Law Enforcement Group hosting the conference to withdraw the invitation from the Sessions.

Mo Canady, executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers of Alabama, says that as the country's top law enforcement official, Sessions has information important to share.



A team of federal law enforcement officers entered the immigration and customs building in Portland, Oregon, to protect government property while protesters continued to protest against Trump's immigration policies.

Federal Protection Service spokesman Rob Sperling said the police entered the building on Monday morning. The protesters did not try to stop them.

Sperling says that it is a precautionary measure, and there is nothing to indicate that activists who camped outside the institution entered it.

The headquarters of the ICE in Portland has been the scene of a 24-hour protest since June 17. Occupancy has gained momentum early last week and the building has been closed since Wednesday.

Sperling says that there is no deadline for the return of employees.



A coalition of civil, religious and labor rights activists opposed to President Donald Trump's immigration policy is preparing for a demonstration in Nevada on the sidelines of a school safety conference where the Attorney General of the United States United Jeff Sessions is the keynote speaker.

Several of the protesters gathered for Monday's rally outside a casino hotel in Reno say that they will engage in civil disobedience to draw attention to the separation children and families on the US border.

At least one, Bob Fulkerson, told The Associated Press that he was waiting to be arrested.

Nearly two dozen Nevada groups in a progressive alliance tried unsuccessfully last week to persuade the national law enforcement group hosting the conference to withdraw its invitation to the sessions.

Mo Canady, executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers of Alabama, said that Sessions had important information to share with school resource managers as the primary responsible for Law enforcement in the country.



A US congressman said that he had refused to meet with detainees from the southern border crisis because of an outbreak of chicken pox at the North West Detention Center in Tacoma, in the US. State of Washington.

The Tacoma News Tribune reports that US MP Derek Kilmer, a Democrat, went to prison on Saturday after learning that a number of migrants separated from their children after crossing the US-Mexico border have been there. were transferred from another federal prison to SeaTac.

Kilmer said that he had official visits set up in both facilities, but that it was canceled due to security concerns related to the protest.

And when the congressman tried to visit three inmates during regular visiting hours on Saturday, he was told that they were all quarantined because of exposure to chicken pox.


22 hours

A Texas charity claims that about 30 immigrant parents separated from their children after crossing the US-Mexico border have been released, but they do not know where their children are or when they could see them again despite the assurances of the government that family reunification would be well organized.

The released parents arrived Sunday at the House of Annunciation in El Paso.

The release is considered the first, big since President Donald Trump signed a decree on Wednesday that maintained a "zero tolerance" policy for illegally entering the country, but ended the practice of separating parents and immigrant children.

The director of the Annunciation House, Ruben Garcia, said the parents had been taken by bus after the federal authorities had withdrawn their criminal charges.

The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement does not offer any immediate comment.

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