Latest news on the United States: how handwriting can affect your vote


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The mid-term US elections, which will take place in less than two weeks, will help define the rest of Donald Trump's presidency.

Americans will vote for members of both houses of Congress, as well as governors in 36 of the 50 states.

From here, we will bring you the updates and the best analysis every day of the week.

Today we are discussing a court battle over mail-order voting in Georgia, a new Trump opium law and different views at political rallies.

A trial

What is your writing? A federal judge ruled that Georgia should stop throwing ballots by mail when the voter's signature does not match his voter's card.

"This decision protects the people of Georgia from those who seek to undermine their right to vote," said Sophia Lakin, a lawyer at the headquarters of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), describing the court's decision as a major victory. .

Judge Leigh Martin May issued a temporary prohibition order, stating that the state must first inform voters before they can reject their ballot or request.

"The court does not understand how the assurance that all eligible voters have the right to vote undermines the integrity of the electoral process," she said.

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All signatures are not equal

The ACLU argued that election officials in Georgia were not required to be trained to spot the differences in your signature, and that there is no rule or law defining the differences between the handwriting of one person and another.

Georgia has until Thursday Thursday to comment on this decision, Judge May said.

The rules for postal ballots differ from one country to another – 27 states and the District of Columbia allow voting by mail for any qualified voter, but 20 states need an apology from the candidate .

A study conducted by Northern Illinois University has established a Voting Cost Index to measure how easy it is to vote in the United States.

A law

"Together we will end the scourge of drug addiction in America," President Trump said in signing a radical new opioid law.

The bill expands access of Medicaid users to the treatment of addiction disorders and aims to strengthen research efforts aimed at finding non-addictive painkillers.

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Legend of the mediaOn the destruction track of America

In a rare bipartisan event, the Senate passed Bill 98-1 earlier in the month. The House voted 393-8 in favor.

Last year, 72,000 people died as a result of a drug overdose and both sides are focusing on the issue in their medium-term campaigns.

The Wall Street Journal reports that opioid political advertisements have been broadcast more than 50,000 times in 25 states on the eve of the mid-term.

A video

Do you remember Barack Obama? The former Democratic president is back on the trail of the campaign, trying to strengthen support for his party's platform.

Donald Trump also travels the country, rallying the Republicans before mid-term.

Both men are loved and hated – so Rajini Vaidyanathan, of the BBC, went to a rally on each side to ask people what they thought.

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Legend of the media"Traitor, traitor, corrupt" – but is it about a Trump supporter or an Obama supporter who talks about their opposition?

Choose the result

Write your own future with our mid-term election sign game, showing all the possible results of the vote. There are only 12 days left.

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