Latest News: Police Report Assaults at a Demonstration in Oregon


NEW YORK – The latest on national protests on a Trump administration immigration policy (all local):

9:35 pm

Police in Portland, Oregon, ordered patriot Prayer participants disperse police reported Saturday that arrests took place at demonstration downtown

[2] Problems arose when two opposing protest groups – Patriot Prayer and Antifa – descended in the street

. People were lighting firecrackers and smoke bombs in the crowd and police were using flashes to disperse protesters who were clashing

Officers were looking for weapons and handcuffing at least two people.



Thousands of people paraded peacefully in downtown Atlanta as part of a national protest against a US immigration policy that separated the children from their parents.

An estimated 4,000 people braved the heat. day walk about half a mile from the Atlanta City Detention Center to a federal building.

U.S. John Lewis and others have denounced the Trump administration for separating more than 2,000 children from their parents as part of the crackdown on illegal immigration to the Mexican border.

The march of Atlanta was one of hundreds to ask the Trump administration

Although President Donald Trump has signed an order terminating the policy, the children remain in detention centers and outside their families.


6:45 pm

Thousands of people protect the family separations of the Trump administration in Portland, Oregon, and on the other side of the Columbia River in Vancouver, Washington.

Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, blasted President Donald Trump's immigration policies and asked the crowd what rating the president would get for his zero tolerance policy. The crowd retaliated, "Zero!"

The policy of prosecution of people crossing the US-Mexican border illegally led those responsible to separate children from their parents. Hundreds of rallies nationwide opposed to the now-abandoned policy.

In Seattle, several thousand protesters gathered in front of the federal SeaTac detention center that holds immigration detainees. More than 25 rallies were planned Saturday in the state of Washington

The Patriot Prayer group is preparing what they call a "Freedom Rally" in Portland later Saturday.


5:40 pm

Thousands of Protesters took to the streets of San Francisco to oppose the family separations of the Trump administration at the border.

The drummers beat and the horns played Saturday as protesters waved flags and placards. "

Barry Hooper of San Francisco said he was attending the demonstration with his wife and two daughters to" let the president know that it was not acceptable. "

7-year-old daughter, Liliana, waved off the break.

Walkers arrived at City Hall shortly before noon and gathered to listen to politicians and activists denounce politics. Now Abandoned.

Across San Francisco Bay, Hundreds of Protesters Introduced to Rally


Thousands of people in at least six downtown neighborhoods marched in Minneapolis to protest against US immigration Some protesters mounted a makeshift cage on Saturday and others were carrying placards saying, "We, as a country, are in a moral crisis, not a border crisis", "Moms Against Baby Prisons" and "Abolish ICE." 19659035] Ken Kirwin wore a sign showing Vladimir Putin wearing a hat with the slogan of President Donald Trump's campaign, "Make America Great Again," and another readin re, "Make America SANE to keep families together again."

The 77-year-old He told the Star Tribune that this was the first demonstration in which he had demonstrated since he had protested against war in Iraq during George W. Bush's presidency

The city center was temporarily stopped because of demonstrations blocking the tracks. is among the hundreds at the national level urging the Trump administration to reunite separated families at the US-Mexico border.


This article was corrected after the newspaper updated its story to show that Kirwin was not wearing a hat. campaign slogan, but rather had a sign showing Vladimir Putin wearing the hat.



Dallas police said five people had been arrested in front of a building of the US Customs and Customs Enforcement. immigration policy.

The news station KXAS-TV reports that dozens of people were demonstrating in front of the ICE building on Saturday. Police say it started peacefully before the protesters begin to block the lanes of a service road. Police blocked a path for the protesters, but then moved to other tracks.

A police supervisor stated that five people had been arrested while refusing police orders.

The rally is among hundreds on a national scale urging the Trump administration to reunite separated families on the US-Mexico border.

5:00 pm

Thousands refused to provide details on the charges. Protesters rallied in downtown Los Angeles to protest President Donald Trump's immigration policy

Singer John Legend serenaded the crowd Saturday and Democratic politicians who clashed with Trump spoke out against the separation of families on the US-Mexican border. Rep. Rep. Maxine Waters called for impeachment, while Senator Kamala Harris pointed out that migrant children taken from their parents will suffer from a permanent trauma.

Protesters, dressed in white and holding babies, carried placards saying "Asylum not abuse" and "No human is illegal."

Robin Jackson of Los Angeles noted the "absolute cruelty" of the administration. She says she was heartbroken when her parents worked second time at night and can not imagine what it is for migrant children who do not know when their parents are coming back.

The rally is among hundreds in the United States

5 pm

A rally in front of Portland City Hall, Maine, became so important that the police had to close some of the street as 2,000 people chanted, applauded and prayed

. "Love has no borders" and "Diversity is the strength".

Robert O. Brien, of Peaks Island, Maine, brandishes an American flag in reverse, the symbol of distress. to show his disapproval for Trump's immigration policies, including the separation of families on the US-Mexican border.

He called it "a cruel and unusual punishment."

Separated families on the US-Mexican border.

Crowds faced a 110-degree heat index in downtown Chicago to protest the Trump administration's immigration policy, surrounding a scene at Daley Plaza and shouting "Si s'puede!" "(" Yes, you can! ")

Margo Chavez-Easley, a 39-year-old Chicago resident who emigrated to the United States from Guatemala at the age of 9, carried a placard that read:" To how long do you go for your kids? "

Chavez-Easley told the Chicago Tribune that as an immigrant and American, she felt a mix of pride and shame.

Senator American democrat Dick Durbin was present, saying that it was ""


3:40 pm

Hundreds of people gathered in Detroit and 22 other cities in Michigan to add their voices national protests against the detention of immigrant families.

Detroit police estimated that more than 250 people walked Saturday through the downtown area before the US Democrat newspaper Sander Levin told the rally that the detention of young immigrant children and other politicians of the United Trump administration immigration "constitute a danger to security".

Saturday's rally was among hundreds across the United States urging the Trump administration to reunite separated families at the US-Mexico border.


3:20 pm

A Central Dad from Iowa Says It's Inspired To Organize A Rally To Support Immigrant Families After Watching News on Father's Day children separated from their parents who had recently crossed the US border.

About 125 people gathered Saturday for the rally organized by Steve Adelmund. Adelmund recalls being crying when he learned on June 17 that immigrant children were separated from their parents and held in cage-like structures on the border.

Adelmund, who calls himself a Democratic but sometimes Republican, said he believes the country is at a dangerous ideological turning point and that the time to speak is now.

Adelmund said that part of his motivation in organizing the rally was to show his 10-year-old daughter what democracy looks like and that


2:45 pm

Neela Jayaraman was among the thousands gathered for a second rally against the separation of the family in Boston

. an Indian immigrant and a social worker, the policies of separation and detention of the family of President Donald Trump have devastated her. She says that as a mother, she can not look at the cages, referring to the place where some children have been detained.

Cradling her 8-month-old Akira baby, Jayaraman says she's hoping to watch the Boston Common. Thousands of people demonstrated in front of the Boston City Hall "Rally against Family Separation," where several elected officials, including Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, spoke out against Trump's immigration detention policy. Organizers demand that local government agencies stop cooperating with federal immigration authorities


2:10 pm

A protest against President Donald Trump's immigration policies has converged near the golf course where he spends the weekend. Protesters gathered Saturday at the corner of a street near the Trump Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey.

They waved placards with messages: "Do you know where our children are?" And "Even the Trump family belongs together.

It is not known if Trump saw the protest. It was part of hundreds of rallies across the country that were asking the Trump administration to reunite separated families on the US-Mexican border.

In Washington, several thousand protesters began walking toward the US Department of Justice. United States Justice

. 14:10

At least one person was arrested when protesters blocked a street in downtown Columbus, Ohio after some 2,000 people attended a two-hour rally outside the Statehouse. Shepherd protesters from the intersection Saturday. A woman was taken away by police after a skirmish.

Melissa Myers, a nurse, told people gathered for the rally, "You do not have to be a parent to be indignant. She said that she had never attended a rally before, much less organized.

The protest is among hundreds in the United States urging the Trump administration to reunite separated families on the US-Mexican border


1:55 pm

Hundreds of people are are gathered near the Indiana Statehouse in downtown Indianapolis to protest the detention of immigrant families.

Protesters carried placards saying "We are all immigrants" and "Families go together". Saturday's rally is among hundreds in the United States urging the Trump administration to reunite separated families on the US-Mexico border.

Patricia Carlin, a grandmother of nine Danville, in Indiana, said she was protesting to show her solidarity with immigrant families and that their detention had made her angry and frightened .

She says her "heart breaks them" and the US "go b Hundreds of protesters slowly circulated through the streets of downtown Dallas chanting songs and waving a tide of protest posters criticizing the President Donald Trump's immigration policy.

19659109] Saturday protesters chanted "Vote them" and "No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here" along the walking route, which began on the outside of Dallas City Hall

. The Trump administration has reunited separated families on the US-Mexican border.

35-year-old Ratisha Smith walked with her 6-year-old son. She said that she was protesting the separations and that she wanted to see the families again.

She says she heard reports of young immigrant children abducted from their families who urged her to protest, saying that it was the straw water drop

. : 45 hrs

People symbolically carrying aluminum blankets are among more than 4,000 people at a tumultuous gathering in downtown Denver

authorities gave similar blankets to children who were in the city. they separated from their parents on the border between the United States and Mexico. The rally Saturday is one of hundreds across the United States urging the Trump administration to reunite families.

Brenda Villa of Commerce City, Colorado, says "you want to have faith" that the administration of President Donald Trump will do as promised. Protesters held placards saying, "Keep the kids, drive out the racists" and "Break the walls, build families."

Joan Culwell, of the City of Littleton, says she did not Never participated in a protest but decided to go Melania Trump recently wore a coat that said "I really do not care, is not it?" While traveling to visit children migrants.

Culwell was wearing a T-shirt saying, "I'm worried !! "


1:05 pm

Thousands of protesters rallied in El Paso, in western Texas, to condemn what the speakers describe as unconstitutional overtaking by the government. Trump administration and brutal tactics of immigration.

Many demonstrators, watched by several law enforcement officials, converged Saturday on the international bridge that carries traffic between El Paso and Juarez, Mexico

They carried placards with slogans like "We are all immigrants". they chanted "Love, do not hate, make America great!" and other sayings.

The rally was one of many gatherings taking place in Texas cities, including Dallas, Houston and McAllen.


12:55 pm

Dozens of protesters gathered outside the border patrol station in McAllen, Texas, near a detention center where migrant children were being held in cages.

People waved American and Texan flags and signs. father, mother and child like the Holy Family with haloed heads traveling through the desert.

Jennifer Harbury, a lawyer based in Rio Grande Valley, says that separated parents of their children are being held in conditions close to Port Isabel Prison. 19659132] She says that separated children at the border should have foreign registration numbers related to their parents, but lawyers have "terrible difficulties in finding these children."


12:40 pm

Democrat US Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls for the rapid reunification of children and parents at a Massachusetts immigration rally.

Warren says Saturday, "It's about children being held in cages." She also said, "It's about moms who want their kids." 19659137] Thousands of people opposed to President Donald Trump's controversial policy of separating migrant families are in Boston for two planned protests. Warren recently visited a Border Patrol Processing Center in McAllen, Texas.

The "Rally against Family Separation" began with a morning march from the town hall to Boston Common, where a large gathering is about to take place. The event is synchronized with other events nationwide and also aims to oppose the Trump ban on travelers from some predominantly Muslim nations.

The organizers are asking local government agencies to stop cooperating with the federal immigration authorities. Thousands of people gathered in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, to protest the Trump Administration's immigration policy, calling for an end to the detention of immigrant families

. his election in 2016. They voiced their concerns about everything from abortion rights and the future composition of the Supreme Court to any influence of Russia on US policy.

Margarita Perez, of Albuquerque, waved a small Mexican flag. crowd. Accompanied by her daughter, she said that she was concerned about the children who were being held and by the parents who did not know where their children were being taken.

Mayor Tim Keller of Albuquerque, a Democrat, told the crowd of his trip to the US-Mexico border, where he and other mayors were denied visitation. a shelter at the Tornillo entrance harbor, outside of El Paso, Texas. He aroused a roar from the crowd when he said, "We are here to repel, to resist."


12:05 pm

Thousands gathered on a square in front of the White House to protest the Trump Administration's immigration policy.

The crowds on Lafayette Square chanted "shame, shame, shame!", As the speakers denounced the separation of children from parents after their illegal entry into the United States.

Protesters held placards in English and Spanish. The slogan on an English sign demanded, "Where are the children?"

"Melania and Ivanka, stop child abuse," another slogan said.

Protesters were to march on the justice department later, in a



Hundreds of protesters in downtown Dallas call for a clear plan to reunite families separated by politics separation of immigrant families from President Donald Trump

. Protesters, many of whom wore T-shirts and white clothing, carried protest signs and gathered in front of Dallas City Hall

A protest sign said: "Humane Compassion", another simply said: "Vote"

The sign announced: "November is coming".

The organizer of the protest, Michelle Wentz, says that the opposition to politics seems to have crossed the lines of the political party. She called it a "barbaric and inhuman" policy

Protesters continued to flock to the area as protesters were registered to vote

The buzz of secondary conversations gave way to songs of "We care! "



Protesters chant "shame!" And sing "stop detention!" At the start of a march in New York denouncing the Trump administration's policy of separating families from people crossing the border illegally

Crowds gathered Saturday morning in a sweltering heat from 86 degrees in a Manhattan Park before crossing the Brooklyn Bridge towards Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn, near the Federal Courthouse. The crowd provided a chorus of "shame" as an organizer ran a list of people that walkers blame for family separations.

Among Their Targets: President Donald Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Agencies Thousands of people opposed to President Donald Trump's controversial policy of separating migrant families descend to Boston for two planned protests

"Rally against family separation ". "Begins with a morning walk from the Town Hall in Boston Common, where a big rally will be held, the event is scheduled with other events nationwide and also aims to oppose the event." Trump ban on travelers from some Muslim-dominated countries

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressman Joe Kennedy III, both Democrats, will be among the participants.

The second protest begins Saturday afternoon. noon with a walk from Wellington Common Park to the South Bay House of Correction, a Boston County jail.

Organizers ask local government agencies to stop cooperating with federal immigration authorities


1:10 am

Liberal activists, parents and new protesters motivated by children's stories, separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border Rally in hundreds of cities across the country to urge President Donald Trump's government to reunite families quickly.

More than 600 Saturday walks could attract hundreds of thousands of people across the country, from immigrant-friendly cities like Los Angeles and New York to conservatives Appalachia and Wyoming under the Families Belong Togeth banner Although many of those who introduce themselves will be anti-Trump protesters, others will be new to the activism of immigration, including parents who say that they feel compelled to come forward after heartbreaking accounts children forcibly removed from their families.

In Portland, Oregon, for example, several stay-at-home mothers held their first rally while taking care of young children.

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