Latest News: Trade Union Leader: EU's new vote "not for today"


LONDON – Latest news on Brexit negotiations (local time):

1:15 p.m.

Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn said that another referendum on Britain and the European Union was "an option for the future", but not today. ; hui.

The Labor Party leader has also criticized the agreement proposed by British Prime Minister Theresa May with the European Council on Brexit, calling it a "one-way agreement" in which Brussels "takes matters into its own hands".

Corbyn told Sky News on Sunday that his party's legislators would vote against the deal. He demanded that May's government renegotiate the agreement, which sets the terms for the departure of Britain and its future relations with the EU.

A 2016 referendum to pull Britain out of the EU was narrowly won. Some members of the Labor Party have called for a second referendum to give the public the last word on the Brexit deal.

The country must leave the EU on March 29th.



The besieged British Prime Minister, Theresa May, warns that a change of leadership would not facilitate negotiations on Brexit, opponents of her conservative party threatening to overthrow her.

May insisted that she had not considered quitting, as furious conservative rebels are trying to pull the numbers together to trigger a no-confidence vote. In an interview with Sky News, she said that "a change of direction at this stage will not facilitate negotiations and will not change parliamentary arithmetic".

She added that the next seven days "will play a crucial role" in the success of the Brexit negotiations and that she will travel to Brussels to meet with European leaders ahead of the European Council's emergency summit on 25 March. November.

When asked about the abuse she was subjected to, she replied, "It will not distract me. Politics is a difficult business and I have been working on it for a long time. "



The former British secretary of Brexit has criticized Prime Minister Theresa May for her lack of political will and resolution when she deals with negotiations with the European Union on Brexit.

Dominic Raab, who resigned on Thursday, suggested that May did not resist the intimidation of European officials. He told the Sunday Times: "If we can not make this deal on reasonable terms, we must be very honest with the country: we will not be corrupted, blackmailed, or intimidated. and we will not leave. "

Raab added that "one thing is missing: political will and resolution".

May faces political chaos and an open rebellion in her ranks as conservative opponents try to oust him after Britain has reached a divorce deal with the EU this week.

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