Latest News: Trump and Roberts Oppose for the Independence of the Judiciary


Latest news from Chief Justice John Roberts and President Donald Trump (all local times):

7:50 p.m.

President Donald Trump and Chief Justice John Roberts oppose the independence of the US judiciary. The latter brutally reprimands the president for denouncing a judge who rejected his asylum policy of migrants as "judge Obama".

Roberts issued a very strong statement saying that there is nothing like it. Trump defends his own comment, tweeting with defiance, "Sorry, Justice Roberts."

The uprising that preceded Thanksgiving is the first time that Roberts, the Republican-nominated federal head of the judiciary, even offers a hint of criticism of Trump, who has repeatedly criticized federal judges who 39, judged.

Until now, it was very unusual for a president to select judges for their personal criticism. And the challenge of a Chief Justice at the comments of a president is downright unprecedented.


4:15 p.m.

President Donald Trump and Chief Justice John Roberts are participating in an extraordinary public debate on Trump's description of a judge who ruled against his administration as "Obama Judge".

Trump tweeted on Wednesday: "Sorry, Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do have" Obama judges ", who have a very different point of view from the security people in our country."

Roberts, in a statement to the Associated Press earlier Wednesday, had rejected Trump's description, saying the country did not have "Obama judges or Trump, Bush or Clinton judges". Roberts said that an "independent judiciary is something for which we should all be grateful".

Trump says it would be "good if the 9th Circuit was indeed an" independent judiciary ", but adds that their decisions are" very dangerous and imprudent! "



Chief Justice John Roberts opposes President Donald Trump for his description of a judge who ruled against Trump's immigration asylum policy as "Obama judge" .

This is the first time that the Republican-appointed federal chief of the judiciary even offers a hint of criticism against Trump, who has already criticized the federal judges who ruled him.

Roberts said on Wednesday that the US did not have "Obama judges or Trump, Bush or Clinton judges." He commented in a statement issued by the Supreme Court after a request from the Associated Press.

Roberts said the day before Thanksgiving that "an independent judiciary is something for which we should all be grateful".

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