Lawyers: an unlikely case in the case of sexual abuse of the Mormon Church


Mormon church lawyers said this week that it is unlikely that they will reach an agreement with a woman who accuses the faith of covering a former missionary leader who she says Raped in the 1980s.

The advocates of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have requested a trial date for March 2020 during a trial that took place a few days after McKenna Denson went to court. Arizona church.

The lawyers said the chances of resolving the case were "poor". Denson's lawyer, Craig Vernon, confirmed that this is what church lawyers told him at a recent status conference.

"So, yes, I agree that the settlement seems unlikely," Vernon said.

Denson accuses Joseph L. Bishop of having raped her in 1984 in Provo, Utah, where he supervised hundreds of youths as president of the Missionary Training Center.

A judge recently rejected part of Denson's lawsuit against the church because the statute of limitations had expired, but allowed a fraud claim to be invoked because the alleged concealment had been discovered recently.

All complaints were dismissed against the 85-year-old Bishop, who denied the charges but admitted in an interview with the police that he had asked the woman to expose herself to 21 years old, according to media documents. the police.

Denson, 55, of Pueblo, Colorado, was taken away Sunday from Bishop's Mormon Church in Chandler, Arizona, shortly after she began speaking at a school hall. monthly event in Mormon services. video published online.

"In order to preserve the safety of the church, we must hold the sexual predators accountable, whether they are pedophiles or rapists like Joseph Bishop," said Mr. Denson, before being deported.

Mike Norton, an ex-Mormon who went with Denson and filmed the incident, said Bishop was at the back of the church while Denson was speaking. She did not speak to him directly, but spoke with one of his sons, he said.

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