Leading geneticists say research shows that young blood transfusions could prevent illness in elderly patients


Just as Dracula has prolonged his life by drinking the blood of young victims, new research has shown that young blood transfusions can keep seniors without disease.

Dracula succeeds in prolonging his life after drinking the blood of his young victims, science is not far behind the fictional character of Bram Stoker, because scientists say that new research has shown that blood transfusions can help prevent serious diseases.

Lady Partridge, a geneticist at University College London, has published research that suggests that young blood may actually prevent people from developing diseases such as heart disease, cancer and dementia, according to Daily mail.

Lady Partridge's research is helping to create a new wave of drugs aimed at keeping younger, disease-free people, with start-ups like Ambrosia, based in San Francisco, already testing patients.

In her research, Lady Partridge has shown that when older mice receive a fresh, young blood injection, these mice have not only failed to develop diseases that normally accompany old age, but their cognitive abilities were not young blood transfusions .

Because of the surprisingly high success rate of this treatment, Dr. Partridge believes that scientists need to study the blood of animals to help them determine which molecules are involved in maintaining perfect physical health.

"The identification of these products is a priority for research. The convenient accessibility of the human microbiome and blood system makes therapeutic manipulation particularly attractive, but animal research is needed to establish the long-term consequences and possible side effects.

In their new study, Partridge and co-authors P. Eline Slagboom and Joris Deelen also explained: "Blood is the most accessible tissue and therefore the most often studied, but it is much less used in animal studies. It will be important to develop blood-based risk biomarkers, aging characteristics, and responses to animal interventions.

Prior to Lady Partridge's most recent study, Ambrosia conducted her own trial with 70 patients, with the strict criteria that they should all be over 35 years old.

After receiving plasma from individuals aged 16 to 25, scientists found a major difference in disease biomarkers. For example, those involved in the trial found that their cholesterol levels dropped by 10%, while carcinoembryonic antigens decreased by 20%.

One of the patients involved in the Ambrosia trial was 55 years old and was suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's disease, and after a single young blood transfusion, the results were positive . Ambrosia thinks that with enough work, it may even be that older patients only need two injections each year to help them solve health problems.

With so many positive results stemming from young blood transfusions in older patients, the dream of eternal youth without health problems and serious illnesses may one day be achievable.

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